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Innovation and Enterprise blog editor
Manager in the Business & IP Centre at the British Library
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Innovation and Enterprise blog editor is now following Web Editor
Sep 24, 2012
Gloves vs naked hands for me.
Thanks for your comments Jeremy. I thought the speakers were great.
Toggle Commented May 23, 2012 on The Times They Are a-Changin' at View from the Hill
Ah, you are wrong about the British Library Donald. We do loads of tours, and I have seen and heard lots of Americans tourists on them. All the best Neil
Many apologies for that oversight Pjajvdm. I'm afraid I can't remember where I sourced the picture, so if you let me know I will happily acknowledge you.
Innovation and Enterprise blog editor is now following
Apr 25, 2012
And I though I could trust the British Library and it's conscientious curators! Now I know better ;-)
The British Library is unique in so many ways. I would be fascinated to see a list of items which only exist within our walls. The original hand illustrated Alice's Adventures Underground and Scott's last diary from the South pole spring to mind.
Love your positivity Sue. An inspiring blog to kick off the New Year. Neil
Good question. I don't think Google+ has gone 'mainstream' yet. Neil
Thanks. We are active on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn too. Regards Neil
Thanks for spotting my error.
Thanks for your comment Edith. You are right to be proud of your daughter. I have just watched the CNN video interview with Sem and Natasha.
I tried it once and went straight back to my good old wet cappuccino.
Innovation and Enterprise blog editor is now following Bad Info
Jun 30, 2010
Interesting stuff. I bought his books years ago, but have to admit I was somewhat disappointed, in terms of what I could apply to my job. This is where I get my current inspiration for graphic displays.
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2010 on My Take on Tufte at AlacraBlog
The next one is on 13 April You can keep an eye on all of our workshops here,
What, no mention of Pamela Anderson boosting(or should that be inflating) box office takings by 800% due to her role as genie in Aladdin?
According to Wikipedia the song is worth $5,000 per day, so watch your back. "In 1935 "Happy Birthday to You" was copyrighted as a work for hire by Preston Ware Orem for the Summy Company, the publisher of "Good Morning to All". A new company, Birch Tree Group Limited, was formed to protect and enforce the song's copyright. In 1998[9], the rights to "Happy Birthday to You" and its assets were sold to The Time-Warner Corporation. In March 2004, Warner Music Group was sold to a group of investors led by Edgar Bronfman Jr. The company continues to insist that one cannot sing the "Happy Birthday to You" lyrics for profit without paying extremely high royalties: in 2008, Warner collected about $5000 per day ($2 million per year) in royalties for the song.[2], pp. 4,68 This includes use in film, television, radio, anywhere open to the public, or even among a group where a substantial number of those in attendance are not family or friend to whoever is performing the song."
Steve A fascinating insight into the trials and tribulations of practical semantic applications. I was intrigued to see that your concordance database is key to matching text to business entities. The obvious next question is... how is the database updated - by people or technology? Neil