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Noah Hornik
San Francisco, CA
Recent Activity
Rabbit! - The Hopscotch EP (Haiku Review)
Rabbit!, the indie pop quartet responsible for Connect the Dots, one of my favorite albums of 2010 has released The Hopscotch EP today, March 15 and I was lucky enough to get my hands on it about a month early. They have once again brought to the plate a plethora of joy inducing tunes that will get your foot tapping and put a smile on your face. So as you may have noticed in the title, it says "Haiku Review," and it mean exactly what you think. I am going to review this EP in a short set of haikus.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2011 at Indie Rock Kid
James, Jamie & Jamie
A teacher once told me that after you learn a new word, you will hear it five times in the following day. That is what has happened to me with post-dubstep, but to an extreme. I only learned the term post-dubstep in the past month or so, and now not only do I use the term myself, but I see it everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean everywhere. Apparently it's some sort of movement. I prefer to just call it a sub-genre. A sub-genre where your name apparently has to be some variation on James (or of course the name... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Indie Rock Kid
Valentine's Day Mixtape
I decided since it's Valentine's Day and I am stuck at home that I would compile a little playlist of love themed songs in honor of Valentines Day. I Remember - Yeasayer The Gambler (Daytrotter Session) - Fun. When It's Time - Green Day Easy Girl - Coconut Records Down By The Water - The Drums One Life Stand - Hot Chip Stole My Heart - Little & Ashley True Love Will Find You in the End - Mates of State Lovefool (Cardigans Cover) - The Morning Benders 1-4-3 - Rabbit! I don't have much else to say except for... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2011 at Indie Rock Kid
Indie Takes Over The Grammy's
The title of this post really isn't true. However, it came close. Sort of. And by sort of I mean that there were two big wins which I don't think very many people expected. As you probably already know, the award for album of the year did not go to Eminem for his mediocre "Recovery" or to Lady Gaga for "The Fame Monster," but rather to a band known to us as Arcade Fire for their amazing album title "The Suburbs." Yep, that's right. Although it is going out on a limb to call Arcade Fire indie, considering that at... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2011 at Indie Rock Kid
Foster the People (and some old remixes)
Foster the People released their first EP only a couple weeks ago, and I must say that I wish ‘Foster the People EP’ was ‘Foster the People LP.’ Somehow I missed it when the much hyped about “Pumped Up Kicks,” was released in 2010, but with their new self-titled EP I can surely say that I know full well who Foster the People are, and think that you should too. This band has some serious potential, which besides me has already been recognized by the community (I mean, they’re playing Coachella before releasing a full-length album). What’s interesting about the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at Indie Rock Kid
I'm glad you made it over to my blog from MySpace! As far as music suggestions go, since I added you on MySpace you can probably find everything you need there.. But if you want one really quick one, since you like Two Door Cinema Club, then definitely look up the British band 'Everything, Everything's' album "Man Alive." It might be a bit tricky to purchase though if you are in the US. Good luck!
Billionaire - Travie McCoy
I first heard the song 'Billionaire' by Travie McCoy on the radio (Wild 94.9) about a week ago and found it completely catchy, although I was afraid that it was going to become overplayed and popular, which to me, makes it icky. Luckily I realized that the song was actually not that popular (sor...
I'm glad you like my blog. I have my uncle to thank for getting into indie music so early on. It's always great to find other people with similar music taste! Checked out your blog, very cool. The artists you post on there are all pretty great!
January 11, 2011 in Music
Once again it's almost been a month since I haven't had the time to write, but it is now a weekend and I only have about 30 other things to get done, so why not put together a blog post? This past January 11 was very iconic, for it when you wrote it like this, 1/11/11 it was only 1's. Pretty exc...
Noah Hornik added a favorite at Indie Rock Kid
Jan 22, 2011
January 11, 2011 in Music
Once again it's almost been a month since I haven't had the time to write, but it is now a weekend and I only have about 30 other things to get done, so why not put together a blog post? This past January 11 was very iconic, for it when you wrote it like this, 1/11/11 it was only 1's. Pretty exciting isn't it? Definitely. But anyways, thanks to that special date, several albums came out, and I felt it was only fitting, considering (quite coincidentally actually) that is 11 days after 1/11/11 to write about the music that came... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2011 at Indie Rock Kid
Best Albums of 2010!
Here is the post you have all been waiting for, the one and only "Best of 2010!," the most exciting post of the year. Unfortunately, if I am going to get this post in before 2011, I'm going to have to keep it nice and concise. And by concise I mean rather than writing about each album, I am going to give you my top 3 songs from each of them. It will be more enjoyable for you to read, and more enjoyable for me to create. So please, sit back, relax, and well... read (and enjoy of course, but... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
Month (or so) in Review
Unfortunately, for the past month (or so), I have been extremely busy running around and whatnot, and have thus not had much time to post, so this will hopefully make up for my lack of postings. Enjoy! So to begin, I should have already gotten around to this, but a few weeks ago I went to see the band fun. at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. Before going to the concert I had determined that it was either going to be total crap, or an amazing concert because the fun. music is so unique. Fortunately, it was... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
Rabbit! at Super Secret Event
As you may have guessed, this past Thursday I saw rabbit at a "super secret" event, and if you follow them on Facebook, you would know where that event was located (not so secret anymore now, is it?). So, if you are oh so desperate to find out where they played, take a looky at this page here. So, now that you've taken your time to click on the link, log onto Facebook and look at their page to find out where the event was, you are probably wondering how the concert was. 582 Words: Rabbit! started out with their... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
Noah Hornik is now following Julian Hornik
Sep 14, 2010
Mashups and Remixes Galore
Recently I have been finding mashups and remixes very exciting. Plus, most of them are free. So, I felt like it was required that I write about these important new discoveries. As you may know, there are many legal websites that give away free songs bands and DJ's post for publicity. From these, if you look and listen hard enough, you can find some really great stuff. And I would say that a very large percent of this greatness is remixes and mashups. Especially mashups. Pretty much all mashups are free. But the problem is, there are a lot of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
I'm Sorry Lady Gaga
So, the other day I went to see Lady Gaga at the HP Pavillion in San Jose as part of her Monster Bal... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
How to Annoy a Theater Geek
Throughout the past, well I guess my entire life I have been learning over time what annoys my older brother the most. This post is, if you hadn't already guessed, about what music annoys my brother most, why I like it and why he hates it. He doesn't know this yet, but as part of this post I am going to "discreetly" interview him, and type it up. Twill be exciting. To start off, my brother hates all indie music that has really weird sound effects, interesting singers, or is really electronic. He therefore dislikes bands such as LCD Soundsystem,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
American Idiot the Musical
Many of you probably saw Green Day perform with the cast of the American Idiot Musical at the most recent Grammy's where 21st Century Breakdown took the grammy for best rock album. And I am also sure that all of you thought it was clearly the best performance of the night by a long shot. Yes, I can and always will be able to read your mind. Muahahahaha. Anyways, if you have not seen their performance from the grammy's, or their performance from the Tony's this week then you must watch them now. The amazing grammy performance: And the Tony's... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
Also, dont know why the text suddenly gets crowded in the 3rd paragraph. Sorry about that.
Apples and Music
Apples and music relate in so many ways. But the most important way that apples relate to music is through the style of music called beaple. Beat + apple = Beaple. this style of music is where various musicians take different sized apples (therefore making different tones) and hit them together ...
Apples and Music
Apples and music relate in so many ways. But the most important way that apples relate to music is t... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
I'm Back.
If any of you were wondering why I haven't written in a while (because I know I have so many readers that constantly are checking back for new posts), it is because I was not able to find any new music. But now I have tons of new music that I have found and will write posts about. Twill be exciting. In the following... well, I dont like to give myself time limits because then the posts are rushed, so lets say in the following decade I will most likely write posts about artists such as Apples in Stereo, MGMT,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
Billionaire - Travie McCoy
I first heard the song 'Billionaire' by Travie McCoy on the radio (Wild 94.9) about a week ago and found it completely catchy, although I was afraid that it was going to become overplayed and popular, which to me, makes it icky. Luckily I realized that the song was actually not that popular (sorry Travie, but lets keep it that way) so I decided that I would like the song, and soon became musically addicted to the song 'Billionaire.' Now you are probably wondering "what makes this song so great?" And you are about to find out. The song begins... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at Indie Rock Kid
Noah Hornik is now following The Kid
Mar 14, 2010
Noah Hornik is now following Luca Schroeder
Mar 14, 2010
Noah Hornik is now following Worm 1
Mar 14, 2010
Noah Hornik is now following Hugo
Mar 14, 2010
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