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Kevin Maillard
Recent Activity
Helpful hint: If you stop it when she is facing forward or backward, and try to imagine that the foot that is "up" is the leading foot, that may help. Also, she will be facing the opposite direction of what you were looking at before.
Ballerina Epistemology
As legal scholars, we often find ourselves on a side of an issue where it is difficult to comprehend the other side. Many times, understanding the opposing side is a teleological triumph unto itself. In my Family Law classes, I encourage students to imagine the legal atmosphere of different er...
I think many of the reviews don't get around to it for sheer volume reasons. I have been very surprised to get a response from a journal 12 months after I submitted, and the article had already been published. To make it even more interesting, a colleague of mine received a "yes" from a top ten journal a year after deciding to publish with someone else. Too late there.
Two Stats From The Most Recent Season of Manuscript Submissions
I submitted two articles to numerous journals earlier this year in March/April using the Expresso service. Two statistics: Percentage of journals that took action triggering the “confirmation of receipt” response at my Expresso account: 39%. Percentage of journals that have informed me of a pub...
That's an excellent post, David--thanks. The comments are quite good also.
Justices Rule for Firefighters in New Haven Bias Case
The NYT reports that the Supreme Court has decided in favor (5-4) of the white firefighters in the New Haven bias case, where the city threw out the results of a promotion exam to avoid a lawsuit. The exam resulted in no promotions for African-Americans and only two Latinos. This is the controv...
That IS greatly funny. Welcome!
Remarks from the Nominee
Many thanks to President Filler for nominating me to an open position at The Faculty Lounge. No doubt President Filler considered many remarkable candidates for this vacancy. Critics will wail that I received this appointment solely because of my diversity. Perhaps that’s true. But we Southe...
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