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santa monica, ca
fall down seven times, get up eight :::
Interests: curator + collector of beautiful things,
admirer of the commonplace + mundane,
painter + sketch artist, fibre artist.
Recent Activity
thank you. i can't wait to get back to it. i'm on the road with my husband for a week with nothing but my iphone and a book about why i shouldn't be eating wheat. i love working at those circles. they look kind of like sleepy eggs, nestled in a box. it's relaxing, even though i have to work at shoving the quilt through my machine to do it.
so glad you liked the video + are going to check out the e-course! i'm going to go gape at your blog now...
blog: www.n o d d y b o o
(field notes on domestic bliss
gluten-free challenge + eating whole foods + a quilt in progress :::
hi there. do you challenge yourself occasionally? do you stretch yourself to your limits? do you follow through? do you look for the solution as you move through life? are you flexible? these are all things i'm working on. have you seen this video - "make it count" ? i love that vide...
happy mother's day :::
"all i've got at home is two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a bowl of goldfish and a cage of white mice and a silly old hamster! i want a squirrel!!" -veruca salt, in roald dahl's "charlie and the chocolate factory". Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
thank you lovely girl :)
leaping away....
small longterm goals :::
the rest of this week and next, i've decided that my mission is to act on desire, rather than fear of failure or fear of the unknown. actually, i'd like to make this way of thinking a new part of my life. a permanent part of my life. i am going to watch my kids carefully, for they are experts i...
hey there,
i've been missing you in the ethernet. it's great to see/feel your presence.
dark chocolate peanut butter cups sound pretty magnificent just now. i could
definitely go for a handful of those. yes, great vid, right? loved that. very inspiring.
loving 40. although i've heard 40 quickly turns into 50 so i guess more reason to
appreciate each and every moment.
so glad you like the quilt. it's waiting for me at home while i travel around with
chris for a bit. much love xo
gluten-free challenge + eating whole foods + a quilt in progress :::
hi there. do you challenge yourself occasionally? do you stretch yourself to your limits? do you follow through? do you look for the solution as you move through life? are you flexible? these are all things i'm working on. have you seen this video - "make it count" ? i love that vide...
oh how beautiful!!! those are incredible! i love that yarn and those colors. that makes me think socks would be better off sold in threes anyway. i'm always losing one here or there. although, what a tragedy to lose a hand knitted sock! what pattern did you use? these came out lovely. :)
and then there were three
Does three make this a series? A series of socks. A slew of socks. A slew of swell socks. See a super swell series and slew of some swiftyly stitched striped socks! Yes, I'm having fun with this. As soon as things settle down, I will do something besides socks, pro...
tifanie added a favorite at handstories
May 4, 2012
thanks so much dru :)
enjoying the process. hopefully i will find more snatches of time to close in on finishing it!
yes, that unravelling course was perfect for stretching, was it not? i might be inclined to do it again sometime myself.
gluten-free challenge + eating whole foods + a quilt in progress :::
hi there. do you challenge yourself occasionally? do you stretch yourself to your limits? do you follow through? do you look for the solution as you move through life? are you flexible? these are all things i'm working on. have you seen this video - "make it count" ? i love that vide...
gluten-free challenge + eating whole foods + a quilt in progress :::
hi there. do you challenge yourself occasionally? do you stretch yourself to your limits? do you follow through? do you look for the solution as you move through life? are you flexible? these are all things i'm working on. have you seen this video - "make it count" ? i love that video. it's full of great quotes and has an inspiring story that makes me want to push through any and all personal obstacles + keep aiming higher and living life to its fullest. there are classes on this sort of thing... ::: eating gluten-free last week turned out... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
nesting in the sea fever
It is the last day of Spring Break. I couldn't tell you what all we've done. I had started the week with a list of possibilities, saying that at least one of them needed to happen. None of them did. So, I guess the "need" wasn't true. "sea (fever) nest" was finished today, so som...
i am equally obsessed with this video! i went and bought the entire album after i discovered it. yes, please share. i think millions of people need to see it. isn't it gorgeous? the whole bohemian meet-up in the forest for a pillow fight? makes me want to host a pillow fight myself. :)
woodland romp thanks to mighty girl art :::
if this doesn't inspire you, i don't know what will. thank you might girl art. :::
yet more hair links + a gluten-free challenge :::
gosh. the hair obsession continues. just found another great hair tutorial at ::a beautiful mess:: for a messy top knot. it makes me want to trim long bangs. and here's another one for braiding a reverse crown. cute! ::: so, i've decided to do a 'gluten-free' diet challenge for next week, monday thru friday. we are not gluten free in this house, but i do notice that we tend to mix up our grains a bit more and eat more nourishing foods when we don't have wheat to fall back on. it takes a little more planning but i'm game.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
my fascination with braids continues + a water challenge :::
oh my goodness, more braids. i love the internet. i know what i'm doing this weekend. 1) marley, post cornrows; 1) succulent recovering from being nibbled by our cockatiels. ::: in other news, my husband and i attempted a water challenge this week. the challenge was to drink only water for 5 days. eat normally, just replace sodas, juices, teas, coffee, alcohol, etc. with water. i failed. a friend brought over a bottle of wine, and he has very good taste in wine, so... plus i drank yerbe mate twice. at least twice. but. i did drink more water than... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
tifanie is now following Josh Friedland
Apr 19, 2012
haha. wish we could just go out for tea and chat + frankly ill braid ANYONEs hair these days, im a little obsessed. swing on by!
cell: 310-433-2942
(field notes on domestic bliss)
a collection of favorite hair tutorials + other things high on our list these days :::
hello there. we have had a restful spring break and now everyone is being hurled back into their routines, most of them against their will. oh for a lake and a hammock and a beckoning rowboat and the stillness of a sleepy dawn. /// things high on our list these days: the lightening thief series...
if I document it, it seems less like clutter
I was going to clean up and sometimes I wonder why I try. So I grabbed the camera instead.
happy birthday! beautiful list :::
thirty before thirty one
Yesterday was my 30th birthday. It felt special but not, big and little, insignificant and significant. I'm a believer in recognizing the power of each day-not just focusing on milestones...but I couldn't help but be reflective. It was all in all a pretty wonderful day actually. I tha...
a collection of favorite hair tutorials + other things high on our list these days :::
hello there. we have had a restful spring break and now everyone is being hurled back into their routines, most of them against their will. oh for a lake and a hammock and a beckoning rowboat and the stillness of a sleepy dawn. /// things high on our list these days: the lightening thief series the hardy boys watership down and really the whole inspiring story behind it of richard adams uni jetstream pens (the benefits of) drinking (more) water 3d viewmasters a wild search for the ultimate waffle recipe (haven't tried these yet) /// lately we are experimenting with... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
i love them too :)
spring has sprung :::
enjoy your holidays + the birth of a new season :)
tifanie added a favorite at handstories
Apr 8, 2012
spring has sprung :::
enjoy your holidays + the birth of a new season :) Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
Thanks Zoe :)
needle-felted dolls completed + other things :::
there have been so few photos taken lately. so few posts composed. so little cello playing. but there are dolls completed. there is lots of travel. lots of hand holding + the seeking and enjoying of truly good food and cocktails. there has been a bus ride or two, several rock shows + a br...
small longterm goals :::
the rest of this week and next, i've decided that my mission is to act on desire, rather than fear of failure or fear of the unknown. actually, i'd like to make this way of thinking a new part of my life. a permanent part of my life. i am going to watch my kids carefully, for they are experts in this department. it takes between 15 and 254 days to form a new habit. think i can do it? :) happy friday ::: Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
oh wow bummer. i love instagram tho. what a phenomenon. i'll look for you there. enjoy your new adventure in seeking out a different camera to explore. :)
funny story
So if you read the last post (and thank you to those who did, especially those who left encouraging comments) you might expect to see some real film photos up here again, right? Well, I did start shooting again and more than ever! But...guess what? My beloved Yashica-the one I've shot wit...
photos from recent journeys part one // new york :::
1. steamy view from the mondrian, 2. crosby street, 3. ham + cheese and a hazelnut hot chocolate from balthazar's, 4. another mondrian view, 5. chris, backstage, warming up, 6. a favorite spot for coffee + hip jackets. Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2012 at n o d d y b o o m
hahahahahaha. i empathize in my own way with that predicament. oh thank you for that. that gave me a good smile on my face. well, i will definitely check back in to see how the yarn goes! good luck!
balanced (or apologies to m.)
See that yarn up there? It is an amazing thing. Not because of the color or texture (though that's swell, too). Just look at it hanging there in a loop. It is balanced! There is no twisting left or right, just a lovely oval draping, letting me look through its' center, just like it is...
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