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Ontario, Canada
Recent Activity
Great week! I came over from the BP forum. I'm also a newbie doing PL.
Project Life : Week 2 + Freebie
So I've been thinking. You know how I gave away a "Week 1" word art title circle in my Project Life : Week 1 post? And do you recall that I mentioned I will have a new circle each week that will coordinate with the Clementine Core Kit? Well, I changed my mind. It dawned on me that I am using bot...
Noelia is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Love the simplicity of this piece, it's gorgeous!
Sponsor Giveaway :: My Sunset Road
Today's sponsor giveaway comes from My Sunset Road - a shop featuring modern, organic and unique jewelry handcrafted by Courtney Filer-Dougal. the Lotus Earrings description from My Sunset Road: "Thick slices of sterling have been sawn into petal shaped disks reminiscent of a lotus flower. ...
That is wonderful news! Congrats Karla!
hello Monday, hello Life
Hey guys! I would love to say that I've been overflowing with holiday inspiration and got loads done. But instead; I spent the end of last month wondering why I couldn't concentrate on any of my projects! I sat down many times to try and create and each time I couldn't wrap my head around it. S...
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