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Noelle Clearwater
Santa Barbara, CA
Pacifica Graduate student in Counseling Psychology (Intern)
Interests: music, film, art, dance, poetry and literature, psychology and counseling, social justice politics.
Recent Activity
Dearest Fran, Joe would love the painting, the story behind it and the fact that it is appropriate for a Dia de los Muertos ofrenda. He always loved things of interest and the history of a place and people. This post would fascinate him. It is wonderful that you dedicated it to him! xo, Noelle
1 reply
Zoriah, I too was moved to tears. I don't believe that I have ever seen such intimate and deeply compassionate work, on the topic of man's inhumanity to man. It is difficult to understand that such brutality exists and continues to exist unchecked. The work you do is sacred and the dignity that you give to those you photograph here and their stories is unparalleled. Thank you for sharing it with the world. Blessings and Light, Noelle
Hi Rebecca, I wrote a wonderful comment but it wouldn't take. I love your well-baked haikus and I am so glad to have been a part of this family that you have created for the past year. You are the heart of this community and you are so very loved by all of us. It is your warmth, your energy and your dynamic creativity that have kept us all together. Thank you my friend. xoxoxo, Noelle
So lovely! All of us need a sense of belonging and a place in the world. Beautiful images and words.
Toggle Commented Jul 12, 2010 on belonging at recuerda mi corazon
Noelle Clearwater is now following Marc Johns
Feb 25, 2010
Noelle Clearwater is now following Mowie Kay
Feb 25, 2010
Noelle Clearwater is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2010