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Awesome! Thanks! I am going to keep it the way it is to save space. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone
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Hello Gary, So if I am understanding correctly, in a table, I should use the written out date April 3. 2013 and not shorten it to 4/3/2013? Is that correct?
1 reply
What about in-text citations to help the flow of the paragraph... For example, In 2015, the U.S. Department of Education made a statement indicating that standards implementation would improve student learning, but the validity of this statement has yet to be determined (Fennell, 2016; Román & Valenzuela, 2015). Should the 2015 be excluded from the sentence and the sentence start The U.S. Department of Education...
1 reply
Hello, I think you answered my question, which is, should I use block quote format within a table? I am referencing quotes from the participants in my dissertation. Currently, I used quotation marks for all. If the quote is over 40 words, should I used block quote format? Thanks!
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2018 on Table Tips at APA Style 6th Edition Blog
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FYI, I used quotes from the participants and organized it using tables...
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Hello, Should I use block quotes within the tables of my dissertation or not?
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NorKnightSSmith is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 21, 2018