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Awesome! Thanks! I am going to keep it the way it is to save space. Thanks!
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Feel Like a Number? A Tax Day Tribute
by Anne Breitenbach If April isn’t the cruelest month, it’s got to at least be in the running for those of us who dread our national accounting deadline of April 15th. But today does seem an appropriate day to begin to look at the rules governing numbers in APA Style. The basic rule with numb...
Hello Gary,
So if I am understanding correctly, in a table, I should use the written out date April 3. 2013 and not shorten it to 4/3/2013? Is that correct?
Feel Like a Number? A Tax Day Tribute
by Anne Breitenbach If April isn’t the cruelest month, it’s got to at least be in the running for those of us who dread our national accounting deadline of April 15th. But today does seem an appropriate day to begin to look at the rules governing numbers in APA Style. The basic rule with numb...
What about in-text citations to help the flow of the paragraph...
For example,
In 2015, the U.S. Department of Education made a statement indicating that standards implementation would improve student learning, but the validity of this statement has yet to be determined (Fennell, 2016; Román & Valenzuela, 2015).
Should the 2015 be excluded from the sentence and the sentence start
The U.S. Department of Education...
Citing Paraphrased Work in APA Style
by Timothy McAdoo As the Publication Manual notes, citing your sources is imperative: “Whether paraphrasing, quoting an author directly, or describing an idea that influenced your work, you must credit the source” (p. 170). But, we are sometimes asked how a writer can properly and clearly att...
I think you answered my question, which is, should I use block quote format within a table? I am referencing quotes from the participants in my dissertation. Currently, I used quotation marks for all. If the quote is over 40 words, should I used block quote format?
Table Tips
by Stefanie Tables are a terrific way to share, compare, and contrast data. Strongholds of information, display cases for results, tables are a “just the facts, ma’am” approach to reporting important methods or findings of your work. APA Style can help you create clean and clear tables. An unb...
FYI, I used quotes from the participants and organized it using tables...
Figure Construction: Resisting the Urge to Obscure
by Stefanie The best figures make complex results understandable at a glance. Sometimes a procedure that would have taken three pages to describe can be illustrated in one well-designed chart. The principles of figure construction are described on pp. 150–167 of the sixth edition of the Publica...
Should I use block quotes within the tables of my dissertation or not?
Figure Construction: Resisting the Urge to Obscure
by Stefanie The best figures make complex results understandable at a glance. Sometimes a procedure that would have taken three pages to describe can be illustrated in one well-designed chart. The principles of figure construction are described on pp. 150–167 of the sixth edition of the Publica...
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Mar 21, 2018
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