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Angie Northan
Recent Activity
Angie Northan is now following The Design Confidential
Jun 19, 2010
Can't wait for more details!! This sounds like an amazing evening!!
Gypsy Boheme II...Tricia & Mary
Bring your tambourines and feathers... We are actually planning a Gypsy Caravan with two classes , a gypsy spiced meal Friday night at Mary's house with live dance around the fire with... Saturday Morning it's off to "Vignettes" in San Diego to spend the morning with Miss Lori Chand...
My Joy...
Are we loving this Beautiful , creative woman..? LOve this picture of her, it captures her sense of self assurance and positivity. "JOY" fron "The Vintage Rabbit" is creating these swirly, whirly wristlets... J'adore Joy... XO Mary
Angie Northan is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 19, 2010
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