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"A literate reader made a brilliantly apt comparison yesterday Images when he observed that Stonekettle is the Thomas Kincade of the political Internet."
I'm familiar with both Kinkade's (note spelling) and Wright's work. No one who claims to see similarities between the two can be considered familiar with either.
I can make a small allowance for hyperbole, but these works are so obviously orthogonal to one another that the consideration of "literate" is likewise ill-informed.
But I don't think that should be a show stopper in what obviously appears to be an attempt to lash out against an unfamiliar body of work.
Come on, surely SOME of Stonekettle's readers are only there to marvel at the gaping masses
It seems the zombies really do come out at night. *Your writing is pretentious, overblown, and frankly, boring. You might do well to study and try to emulate Mr. Wright's style and populist voice rather than engaging in ad hominem attacks. The blogosphere prefers his writing to yours by roughly ...
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May 10, 2015
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