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nova is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I have the exact amount of knitting left on my arwen, one front and the hood. It's been that way for years, Christy.
it's my party and i'll gift if i want to
So yesterday was my third blog birthday (I know I am a day late, I think no one is surpised by this). It's been a fun three years*, thanks for reading! To celebrate my blog birthday (or, anniversary, if you'd really rather) I thought it would be a good idea to open a shop. I did mention that I...
I can not believe I missed this! Such a beautiful baby! Congratulations!! I hope you and your family are well!
A few of my favorite things...
I can NOT believe two weeks have passed since Vaughn arrived! I think one of the most unspoken changes of parenthood is the rate at which time passes. It speeds in the cruelest of ways and seems to do so even more with each child. Thank you all so much for your warm welcome for ...
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