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Just a little clarification: Patrick Carney lived in Brooklyn for a while, but both he and Dan Auerbach relocated to Nashville this past autumn. And damn good for them. Proud as I am that they grew up twenty minutes from where I did, I think they're going to flourish in Music City.
That being said, Cleveland has a great music scene that I'm happy to frequent. While we still get passed over by some artists for whatever reason, we can still see a good show almost any night of the week, and a lot of those good shows are played by locals.
Hey New York, Give Cleveland Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Artists
I travel to new York City quite a bit. I love the town. There's so many places to explore. The trips are short and I usually concentrate on a different neighborhood each time instead of traversing the city until I'm too tired. There's so many cool sections from the East Village, to the Upper...
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Dec 29, 2010
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