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hahaha - that's so clever and a perfect theme for a "turning 50" party. :) Nancy
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2012 on The Walking Dead? at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
1 reply
That's a fabulous piece, Kay, and you have the perfect spot for it. I hope you're a lot better - not that you've had any time to rest! Can't wait to pictures of your party. Dana's book arrived today and oh my gosh...your pages are so pretty - I just stared at the layout for 1/2 an hour!. I love the colors and your vintagey stuff. You are so darn talented in anything you do! Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday to Mark (?) xo Nancy
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2012 on Saved From The Trash at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
1 reply
Beautiful pillow and wonderful photography. I'm going to try something with my sealah tape and fabric soon. I love how easy it is with paper that I used in your book. Thanks so much for the sample. xo Nancy
1 reply
That's a wonderful apron, Kay. It's so neat to have the apron and the book in your store and I wish I could stop by to see it in person. I think I'm done with your book and it's been so much fun working on it. xo Nancy
Toggle Commented Feb 20, 2012 on Love of Aprons at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
1 reply
That's amazing, Kay. You are sooo multi-talented. These pictures are wonderful - always love what you have for us. Congrats on your new businesses. xoxo Nancy
Toggle Commented Jul 16, 2011 on Landscape at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
1 reply
Those are so creative and darling. :) Nancy
Toggle Commented Jul 10, 2011 on Playing With Paper at Robin's Blue Nest
1 reply
Hi Kay - Your yard is so! the exact opposite of my poor dead one. We are in an awful drought and the heat is ridiculous. Loved your post for the 4th too. That place is fabulous. Loved the prize ribbon flag. xoxo Nancy
1 reply
Aww - what a cute kitty - he really liked that stick. Since you mentioned my music I thought I'd check out yours and you have some great songs on there...I'm stealing a couple - haha. Hope you have a great Fourth. I'll be watching the trial and keeping in mind the little girl its all about. xoxo Nancy
Toggle Commented Jul 2, 2011 on Better Than Catnip? at Robin's Blue Nest
1 reply
Hi Kay - It's always absolutely beautiful on your blog. Congratulations on being featured for Pink Saturday. Thanks for the tutorials and ideas you share on your blog. Have a wonderful weekend. :) Nancy
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2011 on Lunch in the Garden at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
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Hi Teresa -Does it matter if I take the windows journaling class and none of the others? I think I'd like to take it but this would be my first. It looks fun and interesting. Thanks, Nancy
1 reply
OH my - I'd love to win this class. I've seen several projects from it and it looks awesome. :) Nancy
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Nancy is now following Betty @ She's Sew Pretty
Feb 8, 2011
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Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Nancy's blog
Nancy is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 26, 2010