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Near Nashville, Tennessee
Recent Activity
Oh my gosh, this is the most adorable thing ever! You are very talented, you know. :)
I'm pretty sure I'm soon going to run out of ways to combine my two favorite weekly events, but I think I can drag it along just a little further. It sure beats having to come up with enough intelligent thoughts to write up two seperate posts every Friday. The last of the homemade Christmas g...
These are so beautiful! And perfect for my neice's birthday!
Sarah's Silks Easter Basket Giveaway
Ever since my daughter was a toddler, we have had a house full of Sarah's Silks. We've had capes, play silks and silk toys overflowing in our toy baskets. We have countless photos of a young Cerys wearing her silks and pretending that she was a queen or princess or a rainbow striped zebra. Wh...
Shelley is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I was going to say something nice about your kids and then... Dude. Robin Hood. I'd give him all my candy.
Alien Princess. Alien Princess* being pushed around by Alice Cullen. *please note, this is actual pretend angst on The Girl's face. I know it is hard to tell the difference, but this time, it is pretend. All of The Girls The Trick or Treaters Luigi being a pest. And why did I let ...
That is awesome! Congratulations, J.! Martial arts is definitely full of life lessons.
The Boy tested for his High Green belt. He is now entering the phase where belts take longer to get to. He has to actually work hard to move to the next level now. It is one of those great parenting experiences to watch him become serious about his sport. As much as he loves baseball, Jeet...
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