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In fairness the HD video and the camera of the Desire in general even on 2.2 are horrible. My old Nokia N95 took far better photos and comparable quality video but at 25fps rather than 5-10fps.
The limited storage space is also really annoying with Flash taking up 9Mb and Skype taking 12Mb.
Also have to agree that Touchscreen keyboards are definitly not as good as the real deal.
Probably going to replace my Desire with a Nokia N8 or E7 soon.
3 Android phones, compared
This Christmas, it looks like Android phones (collectiviely) will be the big sellers. In fact, some analyst reports predict that Android phones will outsell iPhones and Blackberrys by 2012. There are some differences between the handsets on which Android is offered, though. I've been using thr...
Nutterguy is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 20, 2010
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