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North Carolina
Recent Activity
Kids 4 the Planet - a new Indiegogo project from PeopleTowels
Mary Wallace, the Co-Founder of PeopleTowels, thinks one of the best ways to plant the seeds of sustainability and a lasting good habit with a younger generation is their new Indiegogo project: Kids 4 the Planet. PeopleTowels is introducing kids... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2012 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Here's a link to our original Product Review (May, 2010) of the Tow-N-Stow:
"Product Review: Tow-N-Stow™ - Ready, Willing, and Able"
Update for Tow-N-Stow: Arnie Wolfe, CEO of DCN, responds to customer and dealer complaints
Our official comment: I, Arnie Wolfe, CEO of DCN, am the inventor and lead designer for the project Tow-N-Stow. I am extremely sorry for the lack of action taken by our former product licensee who is responsible for producing our product with so many problems and for failing to resolve the many ...
For an update on this product's performance, please follow this link in our blog:
"Update for Tow-N-Stow: Arnie Wolfe, CEO of DCN, responds to customer and dealer complaints"
Product Review: Tow-N-Stow™ - Ready, Willing, and Able
Whether low to the ground and on the go or upright and grounded, Tow-N-Stow™ is ready, willing, and able. This is one of those products you probably thought about, but weren’t quite sure how it would all fit together. The Tow-N-Stow™ is a hauling and storage system wrapped-up into one compact un...
Update for Tow-N-Stow: Arnie Wolfe, CEO of DCN, responds to customer and dealer complaints
Our official comment: I, Arnie Wolfe, CEO of DCN, am the inventor and lead designer for the project Tow-N-Stow. I am extremely sorry for the lack of action taken by our former product licensee who is responsible for producing our... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2012 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Posts in the hopper – more product and book reviews on the schedule
This is a bookmark post of sorts. I have a couple of new products that have been under evaluation that I plan to get into this blog as product reviews. The first two out of the chute will be a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2012 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
For a more recent Post on Everett Tree Service, follow the link below to this story:
"STIHL knows chain saws. Everett knows trees. – The question is who runs faster?"
Trust, a key component of teamwork
As the early morning of a new day unfolded, the quiet procession of trucks, men, and equipment were nearly silent; you could barely make out their silhouettes in the low light of dawn. They were getting ready to take care of a large tree at my neighbor’s home that was beginning to lose its footi...
Climate Control -- If It's Going to Be, It's up to Me
“We live in a civilization with an ever-increasing hunger for energy and its fixation on fossil fuels to provide that energy is in the process of imploding on itself as our population grows and its demographics change. Yet we live... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
What’s the sales (forecast) algorithm for your business?
While reading a recent issue of Popular Science, I was intrigued by the article “The Santa Cruz Experiment: Can a City's Crime Be Predicted and Prevented?” (October, 2011). It’s fascinating and appears to hold great potential. However, what triggered a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
For a short time, the following related Online Poll will be open for voting:
"NvestNtech Online Poll - When it comes to high-performing salespeople, what helps them deliver better results?"
Access the Online Poll here:
Can Harvey Mackay add anything new in his latest book, The Mackay MBA Of Selling In The Real World?
That’s what I asked myself when I was offered a copy of the book for review. Since I lean more toward the systematic selling style, and profess that a disciplined process is needed for an accelerated sales cycle, I initially steered clear of the request. But, fortunately, I reconsidered and had ...
Can Harvey Mackay add anything new in his latest book, The Mackay MBA Of Selling In The Real World?
That’s what I asked myself when I was offered a copy of the book for review. Since I lean more toward the systematic selling style, and profess that a disciplined process is needed for an accelerated sales cycle, I initially... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Fill me in -- What good can come from Apple’s Thunderbolt?
I recently read about Apple’s Thunderbolt. Not knowing much about it, I did some poking around on their Web site. I can’t say I am any further ahead in seeing the demand and use in the marketplace, or everyday computing... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
STIHL knows chain saws. Everett knows trees. – The question is who runs faster?
There are few sounds in an otherwise quiet neighborhood that seem as recognizable as a chain saw. No matter how far away, I can usually pick up on the variable pitch in RPMs as well as when the saw begins... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Too many cooks spoil the broth -- And so it is with volunteers
Volunteers are an integral part for the success of most nonprofits. These well-intended resources can help span the numerous staffing gaps that might otherwise exist without their help. If it were not for their willingness to work, the average nonprofit... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Would-be inventors need not apply
When I composed the original blog Post “For would-be inventors, or aspiring entrepreneurs – Five things worth thinking about before you begin “, I was struck by the notion of how difficult and unforgiving the market can be to an... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Unkempt sales tracking outperforms CRM and sales force automation
They are a high-spirited and independent bunch; equally so, they all get along and the camaraderie is deafening. This group of seasoned salespeople will go about their business with a low-key approach, but a competitive spirit that is second to... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
In our work, we are becoming increasingly interested in using a (online/device centric) ‘gaming’ approach for learning disease awareness, education, and management. On its simplest level, “Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing” has proven that to be true in skill sets, i.e., learning something new that you can put into immediate practice. Although often associated with young children and adolescents, AAA (auto club) has found that using games for older (senior) drivers can produce assessments and teach skills, too. Taking this approach one step further, we are looking into how you could use character (avatar) based alert systems on smartphones, e.g., facial expression or color could alert patient to condition, or medication reminder, without intervention or calling attention to the disease (may be useful for chronic conditions in adolescents, not wanting to call attention to themselves). Barbara, as you can imagine, I think this would overcome language or understanding barriers by presenting information in a more graphical, visual way. Interaction (and reward) becomes a plus. To your point on "small bites", I think this would allow a gradual approach, but be able to react (and inform) in a more sophisticated or complex way, i.e., alert to patient condition.
Developing a Learning Application
Barbara L. Massoudi, M.P.H., Ph.D., BreathEasy Principal Investigator, RTI International I recently had the opportunity to sit with Roni Zeiger, M.D., chief health strategist at Google, to discuss the progress of my work on the BreathEasy project. I asked him about his thoughts on the ideal dura...
Book Review - Strengths Based Selling
Strengths Based Selling: Based on Decades of Gallup's Research into High-Performing Salespeople by Tony Rutigliano and Brian Brim “The book includes action items and real-life examples that illustrate how using strengths produces high-impact sales results.” “Top salespeople from Microsoft, Pfizer,... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
I believe the success to mobile remote patient intervention, such as the example presented here, be that monitoring, tracking, or education, lies not in the learning cycle, as much as what the platform can do for the patient. The ideal scenario in my mind works much like real-time traffic on a portable GPS – the device guides, tracks, informs, and provides important alerts. In the example condition like asthma, this could be environmental data, e.g., air quality, climate, etc., from external sources that triggers an alert to the patient of the rise in conditions that may lead to increased risk (for them). Also, data capture from the patient in a two-way communication could lead to better predictive outcomes for the patient, and the community-at-large.
Developing a Learning Application
Barbara L. Massoudi, M.P.H., Ph.D., BreathEasy Principal Investigator, RTI International I recently had the opportunity to sit with Roni Zeiger, M.D., chief health strategist at Google, to discuss the progress of my work on the BreathEasy project. I asked him about his thoughts on the ideal dura...
I pushed up an Online Poll today for you to vote on patent filing (with legislation changes) that could impact inventors and small businesses. To read about it and cast a vote, see this Post: "Online Poll -- Who deserves first (place) for a patent, invent (idea) or file"
Gone in 60 Seconds; I feel the same about some new business ideas, too
I have been away for awhile. My writing time has been elsewhere the last couple of months – some of it was hit by writer’s block, as I ventured into some new territory writing a three-part series for a regional publication, and some other pleasure writing (non-business related). Now that I am ba...
Online Poll -- Who deserves first (place) for a patent, invent (idea) or file?
Recently I have been looking closer at what holds inventors and entrepreneurs back from an early success with their idea or innovation. It doesn’t take long before the discussion turns to filing a patent. In some ways, I see an... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
As suggested in this original Post, there is now a vibrant blog associated with the studio:
Entrepreneur’s Challenge: What do you do with 6,000 glass plates, prints and film negatives?
If you are one of the longest operating family-owned commercial photography studios in the United States, you bring the collection online and make it available to collectors, advertising agencies, businesses, interior designers, and the public. No easy task, Brady Stewart Studio spent four yea...
S.M.A.R.T. goals may be a simple litmus test for Sales Forecasts
As a volunteer with a nonprofit, I have been helping program participants define and carry-out “S.M.A.R.T. goals”; individually, the letters stand for: “Specific, Measurable, Attainable (or achievable), Realistic and Timely”. To help you understand the concept, here is a link... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Benefit Concert ‘comfort set’ – imprinted ear plugs from Brand Fuel
Danny Rosin is a very outgoing and sociable kind of guy. For those familiar with Band Together, whose “mission is to raise funds and awareness for select charities through events that showcase and support musical talent.”, you are likely to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Three guys; three stories – Where are they now?
As promised, here’s a follow-up piece on three young professionals that were featured in individual stories last year, with a twist of “Where are they now?” Since they know each other well, I asked them to come out one evening... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
Gone in 60 Seconds; I feel the same about some new business ideas, too
I have been away for awhile. My writing time has been elsewhere the last couple of months – some of it was hit by writer’s block, as I ventured into some new territory writing a three-part series for a regional... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2011 at Sales is more than just a numbers game...
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