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Hi Rea... Thanks for your comment and still paying attention! I've done less blogging a lot of other things -- all good! but I can't give it up. Hope all is well w you!
Performance Art (Stillness with Another)...
My life is my own performance art, as yours is yours, and that I can understand, but I just can't quite get a staged performance I saw in NYC. Art makes you think, though. The piece above, by Performance Artist Marina Abramovic, is from an artist I'd never seen before. She performed in NYC...
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Mar 15, 2010
Jerry Dominick married my cousin. He came after Darrel Winfield, I think.
The Marlboro Man: An American Icon...
The thing about getting older is that you have an interesting perspective about what is important and what isn't. Really, it wasn't until this year that I realized that it was probably pretty cool that I was the flower girl in the Marlboro Man's wedding. So. Are you impressed? Does that make...
This post is generating, and continues to generate very interesting and thought-provoking responses. My son brought back a kilt, and enjoyed wearing it, after he visited Scotland in 2003, ahead of what seems to be happening. He has two sisters who have grown up thinking there are no barriers.
I think that men are gaining their confidence to break through boundaries. The discussion continues to be interesting. Please keep the comments coming. Thanks!
Men in Skirts, Losing the Tie...
Fashion designer Marc Jacobs broke out the skirt last fall and now other designers for men's fashion are following suit. This won't fly in my part of the country. I've been trying to figure out what this means, culturally. The tilt-back to the Scottish kilt? A desire to find a white man's...
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