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I'm a Latina tech-lover and communications/content geek who's also happens to be in love with my two roommates: 1 husband and 1 cat.
Interests: travel, tennis, reading, writing, blogging
Recent Activity
amorcitos is now following Linens and Laurel
Mar 11, 2015
amorcitos is now following Diego Rodriguez
Mar 28, 2012
amorcitos is now following Steffen Konrath
Feb 2, 2012
amorcitos is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 26, 2011
Decade, schmecade...ok, so you're right. Still, every new year feels like a mulligan. :)
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2010 on 2010: That's it: I'm going in at SquidRoad
amorcitos is now following DWR
Dec 19, 2009
Thanks for your comment, Ana. The part about young Latinas needing hope really strikes a chord with me, too. I think there is a unique opportunity, having opened the door for this discussion, for CNN to make this Chapter One. I look forward to more of the story.
Toggle Commented Oct 28, 2009 on An open letter to Soledad O'Brien at SquidRoad
amorcitos is now following Ali Edwards
Oct 25, 2009
You are so right...I'm only now realizing this. This blog has actually been around a loooong time. Then came FB. Then Twitter, then...then... So your opinion: I'm trying to decide between this and a Posterous 'blog' ( Posterous is for more on-the-run stuff, but I'd really like to start talking re: nonprofit stuff here since there is hardly a Latino presence in nonprofit leaders. Thank you for posting--I appreciate your comments!
Toggle Commented Oct 23, 2009 on Ok, so I have an identity crisis at SquidRoad
Um...I think your caption works just fine.
Toggle Commented Aug 24, 2006 on The Bill and Steve Show at Life 2.0
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