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Brooklyn, NY
NYU film student interested in Nature, and nature of reality
Interests: film, nature, ecology, earth, art, travel, performance, multimedia, storytelling, yoruba
Recent Activity
travel beyond conventional limits--to imagine worlds, and selves, without boundaries or walls
"And to the visionary lamas of earlier centuries who entered Pemako's forbidding wilderness without fear, hope or hesitation and saw beyond the veils of common vision. These terton, or treasure revealers, discovered in the Tsangpo gorges a place of transformation... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2010 at Crossroads Dispatches
the water has no mind to receive their message
I walked to the closest cemetery yesterday right after I talked with Evelyn. Barely made it by closing time. Right by the intersection of Covert St, Joy Way and Central Avenue. (I don't need to make this stuff up!) I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2010 at Crossroads Dispatches
until death becomes unreal
Think I caught the drift of your last post. Hope you didn't mean we have to only stick to just stories of "shineshine and rainbows," as Jeremie might put it. I detest the saccharine falsity of Belle Sara. I fret... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2010 at Crossroads Dispatches
observing the sounds of the world
"We were so eager for happiness, we forgot we weren't free." - Persepolis My grandmother explained why she was so drowsy the other day when I went to visit her again this weekend. But first she shared a Guan Yin... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2010 at Crossroads Dispatches
because it was so much fun
Dear Evelyn,I know you said you might be too busy today to correspond. I went into Chinatown today to visit my grandmother. Caught her snoozing at Columbus Park while her friends played 13-card poker. I waited. Listened to some Shuochang... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2010 at Crossroads Dispatches
They have a rain dance
My name is Mai. A short introduction: It's Vietnamese for plum blossom. (My parents liked it better than Mei, although they're not Vietnamese.) As I was born on February 22 -- the day that plum blossom festivals start in China.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2010 at Crossroads Dispatches
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Jul 14, 2010
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