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Annie Nymity
Recent Activity
Annie Nymity is now following Sara
Jun 6, 2011
Miley Cyrus should not dress like Miley Cyrus.
I'm talking to you, lady across the hall
Fifty year old women should not dress like Miley Cyrus. It's creepy.
Why don't you wear a dust mask?
I cleaned out my storage unit over the weekend. Anytime I do that, I spend the next three to four days sneezing my head off. Yesterday whilst in the middle of a sneezefest I bit my tongue. Later the same day, I bit it again. In an effort to not do that again I've been clenching my teeth while I ...
You are compressing a nerve. It's sort of stunned for a while until it recovers once the comppression is relieved. Usually just taking steps to avoid the compression is, not sleeping that way. :)
Comfortably Numb
Somehow I end up sleeping with my arm under my pillow. Often I wake up in a terror because my hand is totally asleep from my fingers to my elbow. The first couple of times it happened I was afraid of nerve damage or gangrene or any sort of horrible consequences. Now it just annoys the hell ou...
Annie Nymity is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 12, 2010
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