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More ammo for lil kim and 50 2 use lol
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trust me homie u don't kno what you're talking about beans is bout it and he a real dude i'm from philly i kno beans rode for jay through all those beefs he had wit jada and nas and jay had beans escorted out by the cops at a recent concert and beans and gillie got in a little scrap back in 01 at the all-star weekend when it was here in philly down south street and gill got goons 2 so tru beans did fuck the situation up but u can't deny that beans a real dude he came back 2 philly to put other philly artist on peedi,chris and neef freeway and oschino u can't deny beans not being a real dude jay had beans on the team for protection and for the fact that he knew beans would ride 4 him and it took him long cause if jay was supposed 2 be family wouldnt u think jay would call and tell him the situation if somebody is supposed 2 be your mans and he starts fraudin like jay is id put him on blast 2
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how did nikki get win two awards when her first single flopped and she doesn't even have an album out atleast are there really no female rappers in the game at all em did good and chris brown but why wasnt em nominated for anything luda and chris brown did good diddy and all them bright lights blinded people nikki looked like a damn carrot drake was ehhh well drake jeezy was cool overall 1-10 i'll give dis awards a 6.5 it was watchable mainly for did mj tribute and prince
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so its cool for drake 2 step into to a female fight (nikki swagger jacking kims style) but aint cool for rappers 2 so call bite drake flow smh drake ego getting 2 big the whole young money are bunch of biters anyway wayne jacking gillie flow drake jacking kanye and wayne and the rest of young money are wayne jr's and whatever happened 2 cory gunz and jae millz i guess they ghostwriting huh
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if that's the case trina and diamond are the best female rappers ever if sha gay ass money don't get da fuck out of here wit dat we judge by lyrics not looks now u can't be extremely ugly but at the same we're not 15 year old high school girls we're niggas who actually judge by lyrical content remy ma ugly as shit but she nice wit da lyrics though
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do we really have to have daily updates on how the whole wack ass young money camp feels about wayne being in jail i mean seriously the man only is doing 8 months
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i cosign what u said and people still work with these idiots after they continually get sued shouldn't people know that baby doesn't pay people for their work Gillie ain't get paid for his ghostwriting mannie fresh for beats i mean damn these niggas stay getting sued smh
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will this dude stfu and drop his album talk after u drop the album and sell 300,000 - million copies cause drake gonna sell damn cashmoneyoung money is real smart keep having nicki and drake say stupid shit till their album comes out and then drop it in time for wayne to come home to keep wayne's name out there too i see the cashmoney plan lol
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i don't know who that beiber kid is but he getting bread though can't hate on him
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rosario seriously is nicki or young money paying your nut ass to put up articles about her u put up articles about her annoying ass like 5 times a day get off her pipe allready damn every nikki article i see your name as the article i swear young money must be paying u good money 2 be dickeating nicki like that
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lol everybody allready said everything for me u got buls openely accept lil wayne kissing his fake daddy niggas wear skinny jeans and mohawks niggas doin a dance called da jerk smh nuttin against gay people but damn nicki even know she can't spit she said she gotta use everything but her lyrics lol
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Apr 19, 2010
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Apr 19, 2010