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Hollywood, CA
Im Shannon! Im an actress, who loves paris? I doo!!
Interests: acting, modeling , traveling
Recent Activity
do you have extensions? your hair is sooo amazing :] @officialshan
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
hahahhah i tried surfing and i just about died :] never tried jetskis! lol @officialshan
cute! you and your man are the cutest thing since mini m and m's :} hahahahah
yah! Alot of people chat on ustream, its perfect! :]
yay! Everyone likes my idea! Paris a live chat would be awesome!
yay!! hmmm no ideas for the site, but it would be really fun if you would do a live chat with your fans? Love you ~ follow? thanks so much!
your in mexico? SOOOOO pretty!!
Toggle Commented Mar 7, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
are those sunglasses in your new line?? Those are soo cute!! also, howd you get your hair that way? you always look amazign!
Toggle Commented Mar 7, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
you are sooooooooo pretty paris!! :] Ilove your swim suit! wheres your fav place to shop?
awh so fun!!!! Im jealous, haha scuba diving is so fun!!!! thank you so much for following me on typepad!! that seriously made my life :] hahaha please follow my twitter! @officialshan thank you so much paris :]
awh so fun!!!! Im jealous, haha scuba diving is so fun!!!! thank you so much for following me on typepad!! that seriously made my life :] hahaha please follow my twitter! @officialshan thank you so much paris :]
awh so fun!!!! Im jealous, haha scuba diving is so fun!!!! thank you so much for following me on typepad!! that seriously made my life :] hahaha please follow my twitter! @officialshan thank you so much paris :]
hahahahahhahahah thats so funny!!!!!! are you still in paris?
awh so fun!!!! Im jealous, haha scuba diving is so fun!!!! thank you so much for following me on typepad!! that seriously made my life :] hahaha please follow my twitter! @officialshan thank you so much paris :]
I know! He's so cool! Paris thank you for following me! My hear just about stopped when i saw you are following me! Thank you sooooooo much! I am seriously yoru biggest fan :] Love you!
hahahah! wait , i thought you said you werent gonna have it sent? lol heres an outfit idea! :] I was really struggling with the tshirt. you represent beauty.power. fame. fabulous and I wanted something that could bring all that but i just couldn't come up with something cool enough! I definently think it should be black and have pink on it , maybe rhinestones too. A crown or fer d leis would be great! maybe like a black vneck ( tight fit) with the word fabulous across the chest in rilver rhinestones with a crown off the top of the 'F' then on the back top you could put a white faded fer d lies and put xoxo paris. i would love to be able to win something! you already have such cute designs its kinda scary even trying to think of something as amazing :] heres an outfit idea! :] I was really struggling with the tshirt. you represent beauty.power. fame. fabulous and I wanted something that could bring all that but i just couldn't come up with something cool enough! I definently think it should be black and have pink on it , maybe rhinestones too. A crown or fer d leis would be great! maybe like a black vneck ( tight fit) with the word fabulous across the chest in rilver rhinestones with a crown off the top of the 'F' then on the back top you could put a white faded fer d lies and put xoxo paris. i would love to be able to win something! you already have such cute designs its kinda scary even trying to think of something as amazing :]
Paris! you are so sweet to be so dedicated to your fans!!! for the tshirt design, are you wanting more glamorous or fun? heres an outfit idea! :] I was really struggling with the tshirt. you represent beauty.power. fame. fabulous and I wanted something that could bring all that but i just couldn't come up with something cool enough! I definently think it should be black and have pink on it , maybe rhinestones too. A crown or fer d leis would be great! maybe like a black vneck ( tight fit) with the word fabulous across the chest in rilver rhinestones with a crown off the top of the 'F' then on the back top you could put a white faded fer d lies and put xoxo paris. i would love to be able to win something! you already have such cute designs its kinda scary even trying to think of something as amazing :] heres an outfit idea! :] I was really struggling with the tshirt. you represent beauty.power. fame. fabulous and I wanted something that could bring all that but i just couldn't come up with something cool enough! I definently think it should be black and have pink on it , maybe rhinestones too. A crown or fer d leis would be great! maybe like a black vneck ( tight fit) with the word fabulous across the chest in rilver rhinestones with a crown off the top of the 'F' then on the back top you could put a white faded fer d lies and put xoxo paris. i would love to be able to win something! you already have such cute designs its kinda scary even trying to think of something as amazing :] heres an outfit idea! :] I was really struggling with the tshirt. you represent beauty.power. fame. fabulous and I wanted something that could bring all that but i just couldn't come up with something cool enough! I definently think it should be black and have pink on it , maybe rhinestones too. A crown or fer d leis would be great! maybe like a black vneck ( tight fit) with the word fabulous across the chest in rilver rhinestones with a crown off the top of the 'F' then on the back top you could put a white faded fer d lies and put xoxo paris. i would love to be able to win something! you already have such cute designs its kinda scary even trying to think of something as amazing :] heres an outfit idea! :] I was really struggling with the tshirt. you represent beauty.power. fame. fabulous and I wanted something that could bring all that but i just couldn't come up with something cool enough! I definently think it should be black and have pink on it , maybe rhinestones too. A crown or fer d leis would be great! maybe like a black vneck ( tight fit) with the word fabulous across the chest in rilver rhinestones with a crown off the top of the 'F' then on the back top you could put a white faded fer d lies and put xoxo paris. i would love to be able to win something! you already have such cute designs its kinda scary even trying to think of something as amazing :] heres an outfit idea! :] I was really struggling with the tshirt. you represent beauty.power. fame. fabulous and I wanted something that could bring all that but i just couldn't come up with something cool enough! I definently think it should be black and have pink on it , maybe rhinestones too. A crown or fer d leis would be great! maybe like a black vneck ( tight fit) with the word fabulous across the chest in rilver rhinestones with a crown off the top of the 'F' then on the back top you could put a white faded fer d lies and put xoxo paris. i would love to be able to win something! you already have such cute designs its kinda scary even trying to think of something as amazing :]