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Hello! I'm a thrifter, muso, event co-ordinator and crafty, crafty lady.
Interests: DIY, crafts, colour, photography, exploring, handmade, markets, fashion, music, bunnies, thrifting and artificially coloured sweets.
Recent Activity
Op Shop Revival!
This past weekend I went on my first op shopping trip in AGES. Fo realz yo, AGES. Look at the pretty things we found! A little apron in all of my favourite colours. An old-timey ice cream scoop, which will come in handy for a cake that I'll be making... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2013 at Oh.My.Wow.
Aofie Embroidery
LOOK WHAT I DID! Fo realz. My first attempt at embroidery and I think it turned out pretty darn well, if I don't say so myself. Step back a couple of posts to see the lovely Aofie in the furr. She's a darling little lass, my only beef with Beefy... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2013 at Oh.My.Wow.
Oh for every day to be a Sunday...
The thing about weekends is that they go too bloody quickly. One minute I'm zoning out on the train, having a few lols with Hamish and Andy and planning the two glorious days ahead, the next I'm hoisting myself out of bed, bleary-eyed and oh so desperate for just a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2013 at Oh.My.Wow.
Meet Beefy (Aofie)
Almost exactly three months ago someone very special came imto my life. She's kind, loving, positively drop deal gorgeous and an absolute cuddle monster. She is my beautiful girlfriends beautiful Russian Blue, Aofie (also affectionately known as Beefy/Beefcake/Meeeemeeee). Srsly though, isn't she a totally betty? I took these photos of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2013 at Oh.My.Wow.
My New Favourite Artist: Yago Hortal
Yago Hortal is a brilliant Spanish artists who's beautiful works make me want to strip down and rub brightly coloured paint all over my naked body. Enjoy... Haylz x Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Happy Bunday: Meet Pancake!
LOOK AT HER! Be still my beating heart! Is she not just the sweetest, fluffiest little thing you've ever seen? I came across this little dear on Gumtree earlier this week. I was laying in bed, unable to move a great deal due to having stepped on a nail a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Glass Dish Up-Style
Lately I've been coming across a whole bunch of faux crystal glass dishes super cheap at op shops. I eventually decided to grab a few and glam them up a with a little huff of spray paint. They came out kinda pretty! Only wish I had more different coloured spray... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Storybook Dressing: Time For Adventure
I have to say, I'm really loving this little post! There's something quite majical and unique about the colour pallates in old story books. This one is expecially fantastic. Just imagine skipping sown the street in this little outfit! Such fun. This weeks book is: Time For Adventure by Nila... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Playing with Paper 2
So I've been testing my dexterity more lately with some super pretty and slightly trickier origami. These unit origami pieces would make brilliant gift boxes I think. So cute and colourful! What do you think? For all patterns see Origami Club. Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Music Monday: Happy Summer Fun Times
Summer time is just starting to peak its hot little head around the corner here in the lovely land of Sydney, so I thought I'd make a playlist for you all to celebrate! Miss Cate has also requested that I mention she assisted in the creation of the above playlist.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Happy Bunday!
As I write this today my dear little fluffy pal, Danger, is napping. She's currently confined to only the top level of her hutch becuase her fluffy little belly is recovering from her adventure to the vet earlier this weekend... yep, she got spayed. I'm hoping that once she has... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Storybook Dressing: From First to Last by Dr Seuss
They're something magical about the illustrations in old storybooks, and from time to time the colour stories can just blow a gal away. At least that's how I felt when I flicked through this Dr Seuss book in an op shop the other day. That's when I got an idea.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Music Monday: Now You're Home.
It's Monday, the supposed beginning of yet another week. Hurrah! Lucky for me this week is only 4 days long and ends with a lovely 3 day weekend, can't wait! To help me get through the week I'm pretty much listening to this song on repeat. If you haven't heard... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Playing with Paper
You may or may not have noticed that I've got a bit of a "thing" for Japanese culture lately, and I can tell you that I've had a bit of a "thing" for Origami since first being taught in primary school, I think perhaps by my Dad who was studying... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Thrifty Cat
It's been a while, but over the past weekend I finally had a chance to go thrifting again! Hurrah! Huzzah! Kaboom! Here are all the pretty things I picked up for an absolute steal: The prettiest kitty ever, and a snobby little poodle. GORGEOUS ceramic canisters. Super 70s style egg... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
10 Things That You Should Know About Pilot.
After this little post about my beloved bunny Danger I thought it might be nice to share with you all the somewhat unique idiosyncrasies of Miss Cate's canine BFF, Pilot. He's a particularly beautiful Kelpie X Dingo. Yep, dingo. Do a quick google image search of this breed and you'll... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Delightfully Delightful Apricot Delight
Apricot Delight has long been one of my favourite snacks, all sweet and apricotty - but the stuff from the shops tends to be chocka block full of preservatives and chemicals. So when I came across this brilliant recipe I got pretty excited about giving it a go. It's super... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Dads Favourite Food.
As Dads go, mine's pretty great... Just don't tell him I said so. Certainly not the most emotional man in the world, he's at his happiest pottering around the garden, chilling out at the beach, or fiddling with one of his many guitars whilst watching TV in his St George... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Big Bloomin' Festival
In the past whenever I've seen promo for Floriade Festival I pretty much just assumed that it was a festival for nannas. I could picture all the blue rinses on their zimmer frames shuffling through display after display of roses and tulips... All giddy with joy and somewhat overstimulated by... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Show Us Ya Knickers
Remember yesterday when I told you that wearing pretty knickers makes you feel extra special? Well that got me thinking, which got me shopping. Well, window shopping. I have a bit of a thing for colourful retro knickers, and there's a whole heap of them on Etsy these days. Here... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Happy Making Tricks For When Life's Getting You Down
I may have mentioned last week that I've recently started a new job. It's nice, I'm enjoying having a daily routine and certainly enjoying the fattening of my little wallet, but I do get yelled at a lot. Not by my boss, not by my co-workers, but by the customers.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Mixtape Monday: Folktronica
Folktronica by ohmywow on Grooveshark Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
A Weekend Over the Bridge
This past Sunday Miss Cate and I decided to forgo our standard Sunday fare of relaxation, puppies and corn fritters at the Marrickville Markets and instead ventured over the bridge to visit our respective families. Here are a few photos that I snapped along the way, from the Central Coast... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
Stuff I Dig #1
Remember on Monday when I told you that I got a new job and treated you to some loverly music? Yes? No? Well, pretend you do. The point of this memory is that said new job will, in the not so distant future, mean that I am no longer so... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
10 Things That You Should Know About Danger.
Okay, "should" may be a bit of a stretch, but it has a better ring to it that "might perhaps like to know". Point is, when I first told friends that I was planning to get me a lil' bunny friend, a common response was "But they don't do anything.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2012 at Oh.My.Wow.
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