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I'm curious if you have any advice on scapegoats and apologizing. I know as a scapegoat I always feel confrontation and upset is my fault, so I will apologize just to make things better. But this leads to building resentment and fear of apologizing because I am thinking: "Am I putting myself back into the patterns by apologizing?"
How does a scapegoat apologize without giving away their power again?
Making Yourself a Target: Replicating the Scapegoat Role in Your Life - How to Stop Doing It
She's outraged. Everyone in the girl's dorm is mad at her. Everyone at work is mad at her. Everyone in her family is mad at her. Even her boyfriend is mad at her. She fumes about injustices, favoritism and toadying. She's weary from battle and furious at the wrongs of society. She's targe...
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Aug 17, 2015
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