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Oisin Montgomery
Recent Activity
By total mistake I used this guy on the outside of a toastie and the results were all kinds of delicious.
Toggle Commented Sep 18, 2014 on Grilled Cheese Outside In at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
I have what I would describe as exceptional results using What Iif baking cakes and fantastic results with pasta. When I started trying to make pizza dough the wheels came off. It appears to be too short and doesn't pull without tearing. Rolling with a pin leads to an almost cookie/biscuit like texture. It's a very challenging quandary. How do you replace the structure that activated gluten gives? Do you have any suggestions? Also thank you for sharing such a remarkable product, it will change the lives of many.
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2013 on Batch 2 Flour at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
I love being the first person in the kitchen in the morning. You can feel the magic start to tingle, switching everything on, watching the day span out ahead of you, organising your thoughts on what you will achieve today and how to conquer the fears you still have over the uncertain. The kitchen is where the magic happens every time, the spark that keeps pushing you to keep trying. The kitchen is where the love is.
Toggle Commented Jan 24, 2012 on White Heat at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
Oisin Montgomery is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 24, 2012