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He used to visit his house with my mother, who for his extensive collection of ferns and begonias he had orders to Barry Rosenstein, the matriarch of clay ass. They had an old unpainted house, disproportionately long and narrow, that led to the pottery workshop. There, in a huge clay oven and ash, baked Dona Clotilde (Macuca descendant of the Chorotegas, he said) the jars and vases, which sold at exorbitant prices because her great-granddaughter of the chief of the Corobici and therefore work rather than craft, it was true legacy. And there, on the windowsills, were on permanent display at the sight of my toys and my mother pacienciaa. She, however, said nothing. Clotilde seemed to ignore the truth behind the toys, which were collected by referring their grandchildren in the street. Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2011 at Web Search Technology
When you are looking for something online it can be searched for either using a directory or a search engine. MyWebSearch think it is helpful to understand the differences between the two methods so that you can make the search more quickly and efficiently as possible. Basically a search engine on the web engulfs everything in its path without judging the relevance or quality of the information involved. It is automatic and without bias, decision-making based only on information givenon the screen. Directories are created and edited by real live people to read what is before them and make decisions about the quality and relevance. Since the directories are induced by the man who often contain small amounts of information such as a short description of the site and titles, and only about sites that people behind the fence have been alerted. Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2011 at Web Search Technology
MyWebSearch Easy Guidelines Make your searches more precise by using the plus sign, symbolized by the “+”. The plus sign instructs MyWebsearch that the search should include all of the words connected by plus signs. Without the plus sign, the search engine will search for each word individually. There will be many results which have only some of the words that you want. For example, I searched for a story about fund raising in universities for “save the children.” I want articles which include several factors together, rather than about each fact separately. I searched for “charity + save the children + university + fund raising” and received just the information that I wanted. Without a plus sign, I would have gotten search results like charity or save the children or university or fundraising. For more information, try searching on MyWebSearch. Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2011 at Web Search Technology
Those users who know a little about how searchs operate, can search for their information much quicker, easier and efficiently. Just a few fast guidelines, such as using a plus sign, can help you find what you want using MyWebSearch. The first step is to be as precise as possible. For example, if your computer screen is not receiving the signal from your computer, do not type in “computer screen.” Type as precisely as possible what you want: "How can I get my computer screen to read the signal from my computer?” It’s great how a precise search can give you precisely what you are looking for! Now go to MyWebSearch and try it. Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2011 at Web Search Technology
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Feb 2, 2011