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Ori Lahav
Interests: Sailing, Paddling, start-ups founding, software, managment
Recent Activity
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Mar 15, 2010
Well Done LoGiocos!!!
Mother Earth loves you.
believe me man, not many parents demonstrate values to their kids. They will remember it for the rest of their life.
Educational Bonding.
LoGioco Family Beach Clean Up
The LoGioco family decided enough was enough. We were sick and tired of looking at trash littering the beach and rocks on one of our favorite pathways that meanders along the water on the Sandy Hook Bay in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. I also fish here in the Spring and Summer and actually r...
Hi Kate - I'm Ori, outbrain CTO.
Did you know you can control the sources of the recommendation links.
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and... Andy - thanks for the blog post.
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Outbrain lets you easily add a ratings widget so your readers can rate your posts between one and five stars. It also brings up recommended posts based on those ratings. Here's how to add it to TypePad: (text instructions below) Go to and click on the TypePad icon. F...
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