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Natalie Oliveri
Renmark, SA
Rural reporter in the Riverland and Mallee
Recent Activity
He's a revelation a new sensation. A relative unknown until recently. I'm talking about Terry Bediavas, a humble farmer that was minding his own business, just tinkering away in his shed, until... locusts. Locusts are in the spotlight and so is he, because he's invented something that helped him overcome the plagues in April. "The Locust Muncher' is a contraption that sucks up the pests and then spits them out through a fan, making a delicious locust 'mulch' Terry's crops have used to become 'the greenest crops yet'. He's taken a hands-on approach, a smooth hoover manoeuvre that made people... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2010 at Rural
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Sep 21, 2010