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Liz Olivieri
Recent Activity
Small mistakes don't really show in that type of project! I hope you will find a lot more colors in my stash! I think I am going to make a blanket for my mum next Xmas, will strat it nice and early. But I think I will do it in just one color. But One day I want to make myself a big blanket to snuggle in in front of the TV.
Back on the chain gang
I'm crocheting again, after a break since Brooke's scarf and the unfinished cardigan which I ran out of yarn on. This time I'm making a flower blanket. It needs 50 daisy squares and 49 rose squares. So far I've done 4.5 daisy squares. Loving using lots of different colours. Made a mistake on one...
I bet the whole building is pretty citrusy by now...
Helping Hands
I was doing a rare burst of housework this afternoon. (Don't worry, I'm ok now) I discovered some Shake N'Vac in the box of cleaning products which I don't remember buying. Anyway, thought I might as well use it up. Citrus Blossom scent. Nice. Anyway, I started shimmying along the hall, shaking ...
I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help laughing, those pics are really funny... When Jeanne asks me to read her a book while I am in the middle of something and I tell her to wait a couple of minutes, she just repeats the command louder, take and angry look and eventually slam the book in my arm (that's when she is missing my face....).
I really, really hope Brooke gets a place in January, I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Remember Mrs Jeffers? AKA TayTay, Tay-Zilla etc.? Well she is talking a bit more now. When I say talking I really mean shouting her head off. Every morning we are woken by the sound of one of the girls yelling "Mummeeeee, Dadeeeee!" (Brooke) or "DAAAA DAAA! DAAA DAAA! DAAA DAAA!" (Taya) Every re...
As soon as I can put my feet down I want to go to that library! Jeanne keeps escaping from the kid's section in ours to pick books for mummy... she raided the computer section yesterday and even though it was really sweet of her I can't say I fancied reading any of the books she picked for me...
New places
I haven't learnt much lately, I've just been muddling along as usual. We went to the library yesterday, which has recently been completely rebuilt and now has a fab children's section which the girls can't escape from (doors too heavy). Clearly this is now a very enticing place for me to take t...
Ah,Ah! I was planning to write a post about the truth on what we get up to during the day... The worst thing for me is the feeling guilty about letting her watch TV... Grew up in a house where TV is considered a bit evil! But If I need to do something other than reading for the 57th time the Disney Princess Essential Guide (AARRRGGHHHH, feel my pain, how did that happen when I only bought her beautifully drawn and written quality books... Same thing with the pink, when did she ever discover that?!)...
I do beg to differ on the Zingzillas though and on Big and Small...Can't stand Grandpa in my pocket though...
Kids TV
The biggest misconception people have about Stay At Home Mums is (I think) that we sit about watching Jeremy Kyle and Trisha all day long, painting our toe nails and drinking coffee. I'd like to put the record straight here and now. My toe nails were painted the other night by my niece, with a t...
That really made me laugh, even though it is obviously so not funny! Ah, all the things I have to look forward to...
I actually was wondering what those seats were for...
Public Inconveniences
Have you ever tried taking two toddlers into a public toilet? This morning we were at soft play which is at the local leisure centre. The ladies toilets are quite small so we opted for the disabled toilet which also doubles up as a disabled changing room for the swimming pool. Big mistake. As I ...
You are so brave... I don't think I would have the courage to introduce face paint in the house, like I didn't introduce paint... Jeanne probably thinks that paint is something you get in children centres exclusively...
Painted Faces
You shouldn't have high expectations of face paint sets. Particularly of your own capabilities if you have trouble even drawing reasonable smiley faces or stick men. Don't you think Alyssa's vampire effort on my mug is the best of the lot? Believe it or not Brooke and Alyssa are meant to be tige...
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Jul 22, 2010
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