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Fr. Ron Culmer
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My latest article with Bearings Magazine Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2018 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
It's Turkey day 2018 and I'm here on the Big Island of Hawaii with family. This year we started the day with a full worship service. For the sermon I asked each member of the family to share a story of thanks. It was moving to here how parents, grandparents,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2018 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
What young people want is not the church that has arrived, but rather, a church on the way. Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2018 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
How many of us have to be left behind before something changes? Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2018 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
My habit of writing blog posts came to a screeching halt in 2012. I'm not sure why since I continue to write both for the congregation and for the broader public. However, since the collapse of my church news article "Heart to Heart" came to an end (A newsletter page... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2018 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Ten tips for learning more about money Margaret J. Marcuson What's your financial IQ? Most pastors have a lot to learn. Here are 10 tips for church leaders for broadening your perspective on money and society: 1. Read some kind of financial publication, in print or online, at least occasionally.... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2012 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Top ten reasons why people become generous stewards Pastor Mervin Thompson 1. The senior pastor is giving effective leadership, both to the ministry and mission of the congregation. Weak leadership and weak relationships make for weak stewardship. 2. People give to vision, not to budgets. The more compelling the vision... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2012 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
I had the most delightful encounter with a child at our recent Molly’s Revenge concert at St. Clare’s. Six year old Molly Wildy came up to me during the break in concert. She said to me: “Fr. Ron, is there a blessing for loose teeth?” She was very serious! My... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2012 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
“Why on earth would we do this?” I asked the 100+ people who crowded in the Swing Pavilion for the fifth annual Southern Alameda Deanery Vestry Retreat at the Bishop’s Ranch in Healdsburg. The Reverend Dr. Michael Barlowe, the diocesan Canon to the Ordinary; Kathleen Piraino, the Executive Director of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2012 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Every now and again I drive to my local coffee shop and pick up a large Café Americano from my coffee guy. I know I’m in trouble when he says to me: Fr. Ron, when I talk to M.D.’s I talk about medical things. When I talk to lawyers, I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2012 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Vacation this year for the Culmer family was a “stay-cation,” time spent at home rather than traveling some distant unknown. We do stay-cations most especially if we are saving for some future trip, and this year was no exception. Part of the rule of stay-cation is that one travels and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2011 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Chris, Here's another way of thinking of this but from a different offered by Brian McLaren in his book A New Kind of Christianity. It's still about the "death of Christendom" but with a joy-filled response: "The church, then, in Paul's mind, must be above all a school of love. If it's not that, it's nothing. Its goal is not simply to pump knowledge into people, but to train them in the 'way of love,' so they may do the 'work of the Lord,' empowered by the Holy Spirit, as the embodiment of Christ. Perhaps school isn't the best metaphor, though, unless we think of a karate school or a dance school or a language school--not simply a community where you learn or learn about, but where you learn to. Not simply a place where you hear lectures and amass information, but a community where you see living examples of Christlikeness and experience inner transformation..."
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2011 on The Death of Christendom at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Frankly, I’m tired of the moaning and sadness (“sadly young adults are missing from our worship service”). Its tedious and has led to numerous half-hearted yet desperate attempts (the “decade of evangelism,” Vision:20/20) to restore something I believe is lost forever. We are mourning the death of Christendom—the death of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2011 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Not darkness but twilight In which even the best of minds must make its way now. And slowly the questions occur, vague but formidable for all that. We pass our hands over their surface like blind men feeling for the mechanism that will swing them aside. They yield, but only... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2011 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
I love so very much the following: One of the books that influenced me as a student was by a grand old Scottish theologian David Cairns. Its title was The Faith That Rebels. Cairns was protesting against an interpretation of the gospel that turned it into an invitation to submit;... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2011 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
The love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self, where we mope and mow, striking sparks, and rubbing phosphorescence out of the walls, and blowing our own breath in our own nostrils, instead of issuing to the fair sunlight of God, the sweet winds... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
I'm fairly certain that my rants on food, weight loss and exercise drive some of you crazy. Really, it's all aboutt tying in my spiritual life with the other aspects of my life and I enjoy sharing what I'm learning. To that effect, I share this rant on "How ot... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view. The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent ent enterprise that is God's work. Nothing we do is complete,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Being sick is one thing. Being sick and crazy is another. Here's California columnist Michael Ventura's take on a "sick and crazy" culture: "The statistics are overwhelming: We're sick. It's not just that we have the most overweight population in the West, nor that we have the highest infant mortality... Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
I will kindle my fire this morning In the presence of the holy angels of heaven, In the presence of Ariel of the loveliest form, In the presence of Uriel of the myriad charms, Without malice, without jealousy, without envy, Without fear, without terror of any one under the sun,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
Let me be perfecty honest: I'm a damn fool when it comes to reign of God. I believe in the core of my bones that this world is not the way God intended it...and the way God intended it is considered "bad news" for the powerful and the mighty. Fool... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
In his book The New Realities (New York: Harper & Row, 1989) Peter Drucker asks seven questions of leaders. They are as applicable to church leaders as to managing directors. 1. How well do we know our people? There is no substitute for "management by walking around" -- not just... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
“God, help us remember that all the darkness in the world cannot snuff out the light of one little candle. Help us to keep lighting our little candles until a mighty torch of justice sweeps our nation and the world.” –Marion Wright Edelman Guide My Feet In 2002 I spent... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog
I just finished my first 5K today! My time was good and I'd dance a jig if I could...but since I can't (never did take Irish dance lessons) I'm going to post the words to the Dick Van Dyke show! Here we go! "So you think that you've got trouble,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2010 at Fr. Ron Culmer's blog