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Oregon, USA
One girls' journey toward self and the things she loves.
Recent Activity
Like a lot of creative-types, I've struggled to call myself an Artist. I paint, I write, I bake, I take pictures - I couldn't imagine living in a world where art isn't a primary focus - but does that make me an artist? I'm coming to the conclusion that it... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2014 at One Rare Bird
Hello! In case you've been wondering about my absence here at One Rare Bird, I'm delighted to finally announce the launch of my latest creative venture. I have been busily working under the radar for months now to bring you something that is very near and dear to my heart.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2013 at One Rare Bird
The time will come when, with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror, and each will smile at the other’s welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2013 at One Rare Bird
I will never forget the first time I was introduced to the word Empathy and its meaning. I was sitting in my High School English class, freshman year, and my teacher handed us a sheet of paper with this definition on it: Empathy (em-pa-thy); noun : the action of understanding,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2013 at One Rare Bird
. "The time came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud became more painful than the risk it took to bloom." - Anais Nin "I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and that you will work them, water them with your... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2013 at One Rare Bird
It's Valentines week so I thought I'd kick things off with my three favorite "love songs" of the moment. Wishing everyone a very Happy Monday and a week full of love, hugs, and kisses! xo Love Love Love by Of Monsters and Men Stubborn Love by The Lumineers Lover of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2013 at One Rare Bird
This says it all... A Pep Talk from Kid President by Soulpancake Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2013 at One Rare Bird
There's nothing like a hilarious video that leaves you laughing for days. These videos are so great and deserve to be passed around for everyone's enjoyment. The first video was sent to me by a friend on Facebook, the second video was brought to my attention by a co-worker (I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2013 at One Rare Bird
I've spent a lot of time these past several years working out many things in my life, both internally and externally; and I am glad for all the changes and growth that's occured during that time, but I feel like maybe I've been waiting for something. Waiting to live my... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2013 at One Rare Bird
I can't believe my little bug is turning 8 today! You are growing into such a lovely, smart, and creative character. As your life continues to pick up speed I promise to do my best to keep up. I love you Haven! xo Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2013 at One Rare Bird
Here's wishing you a very happy new year filled with love and light. xo Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2012 at One Rare Bird
Over Christmas break we became one of a billion people to watch the Gangnam Style music video on You Tube, and yesterday while me and the kids were making up jokes I asked, "Why did Haven & Brannock do Gangnam Style across the road?" and Brannock answered, "To find a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2012 at One Rare Bird
A while back I wrote a post about my turbulent (at best) housing situation, and despite my good-intentioned attempts to stay positive about the changes in my life I was bested by the stress of it all. But now that some time has lapsed, as well as my *ahem* monthly... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2012 at One Rare Bird
but they make smart girls stupid. {quote via Corina Writes} Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2012 at One Rare Bird
Each of these songs has so much in common. They all remind me of each other and take me back to a time in life when all I did sometimes was lay on my bed and listen to music. So Music Monday is dedicated to days gone by, and of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2012 at One Rare Bird
Named by Art Hello! Long time, no see. Life has been crazy these past several weeks and I've been too overwhelmed to write about my life or try to explain it. There was a brief moment when I thought I could just keep sharing my life in photographs, like a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2012 at One Rare Bird
Six years ago... Today... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2012 at One Rare Bird
Sniffle. Sigh. Soon he'll be off to college... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2012 at One Rare Bird