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I love the song-"Mary, Did You Know?" I also like "Hark how the Bells"
I like how your quilt block turned out! But I haven't dealt with many turnstiles.
Although I love the smell of coffee & I like coffee ice cream very much-I am on the Tea Team! I love it!
Toggle Commented Jun 10, 2013 on Tea Time! at i heart linen
I enjoy making hexagons- very relaxing. Hope I win, I promised a friend a project/gift out of hexies. I could use that book!
Toggle Commented Jun 9, 2013 on Hexie Hop at Blackberry Creek Home Arts
1 reply
Oh, how I love the beach! So beach colors: Aquas, many different Blues, Sand colors in many tones & colors, Green like Palm trees, Coral/Pinks representing Shells! One of my favorite things to collect (besides fabric, of course. I wish I was there now.
GG is now following Sally Keller
Oct 14, 2011
Your block is so pretty! Thank you for the pattern. I have never used Auril Thread for Applique but would love the chance to try. I would love to win the prize.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2011 on R is for RELAXING at One Piece at a Time
I am looking at your picture and I'm asking,'Hey, where are the lines??' Your face doesn't show any lines. (Not fair!) Happy birthday! We celebrate my birthday while on vacation. We spend a good time at the beach in FLA. and my daughter & her family come down and stay for however long they can. My daughter & my grand-daughter share the same birth date so we combine the 3 of them & have a big celebrtion together.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2011 on The Fabulous 50 GIVE-AWAY at One Piece at a Time
GG is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2011