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Interests: Thrifting, creating, reading, spending time at home
Recent Activity
Holy cow! That is one amazing and fabulous collection!
It's Raining Woolworth's!
Hello, My Friends!~~~ Today hubby and I went for a little journey to a warehouse estate sale! The fine fellows running the sale had combined several estates and warehouses of accumulated goods. They advertised as having LOTS of vintage Christmas. They were correct! What I found so interesting is...
I'm with Amy. Looking forward to seeing more of you!
thirty-one days {1}
Today is December and I'm doing a little reset on my blog; ignoring the small (mostly technical) issues that keep me from posting more regularly. I always have ideas, bits of craft, pretties, and thriftiness to share. At least for the next 31 days, I'm letting go of the idea of a "good" ph...
Khakis, t-shirt, cardigan - plus a fresh haircut - I am on top of my game!
Good work habits
When you work for yourself and you goof off, you only cheat yourself. So I've been working away today. Dinner made early and out of the way. Ornaments out and lined up for photos. Thinking it wouldn't be so wrong to just throw a load of laundry in, but I'm not going to do it. I'm workin...
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