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oof! blam! argh!
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Turns out Lois Lane was into some pretty weird shit.
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Posted May 3, 2013 at oof! blog! argh!
I tell you, Dame Maggie Smith is a treasure!
"Lady Grantham, your skeleton is looking especially bleached today. How do you do it?" Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2013 at oof! blog! argh!
Gronk was more concerned she would notice he had been into her lipstick again.
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Posted Feb 8, 2013 at oof! blog! argh!
Strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his... hands
No sense in spoiling this with words - just listen. A few highlights to watch out for: It's a little repetative, but at 0:48 you start to get a feel for the awesome Wait for it! Because at 3:35 your head assplodes Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
Snake Plissken: The Formative Years
He learned early that it's important to kill, but it's more important to look good when you kill. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
This escape plan seems poorly thought out
"Oh noes! He has outthunk us agains!" Maybe he was counting on the cops just loosing interest as he slowly floated back down to the ground. Or running out of bullets. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
The Dark Knight Rises, Bane vs Batman: Bammfhl of the Mmblefunin
I figure this conversation went something like this: "I whll giph youphmssion tah-" "HUH?" "I CAHT HUNAHR-!" "STAHP MAHBLINGAH!" "HUH?!" "WHAT?!" It was probably a lot like the Talking Carl Scream Fight, but more brooding. Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
In Palo Alto, this would be a $400,000 condo.
Thousands in Hong Kong Live in 6 x 2 Rabbit Cages
full story at
oof! blam! argh! added a favorite at Internet Tubes
Jan 10, 2012
Inconceivable! And yes, I do think that word means what I think it means.
This is unbelievable, unimaginable... basically any "un" linked with any synonym for "could possibly happen." Like sasquatch: if I didn't have photographic proof, I wouldn't believe it. Read this, and look at the headline and picture below. Ex-Wife Dumps Entire Star Wars Collection In Alley So let me get this straight: you expect me to belive that a guy who had a pickup truck full of Star Wars action figures (MINT IN BOX!) got to have sex with a real live girl? No. Fucking. Way. Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
oof! blam! argh! added a favorite at Cute Sexy Funny Awful
Jan 10, 2012
Battlestar Galactica RPG: Number 6 in 8-bit
You don't need more than 256 colors when there are only 13 Colonies. Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
He's whispering "Pssst... that dress makes you look slutty."
The soldier in back seems content to see how this plays out. Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
Brooklyn Thor liked Asgard before it was cool.
"I know the best place to get a soy latte in Midgard, but I don't tell anyone so it doesn't get too popular." "No, Frigg didn't make me this shirt. It's American Apparel." via Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 9, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
oof! blam! argh! is now following Todd Eisner
Jan 9, 2012
oof! blam! argh! added a favorite at
Jan 9, 2012
"You're reading a lame comic book blog? Seriously?"
Katee Sackhoff is judging your life choices. From here: Please don't sue me. Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
Today I learned three things about Felicia Day
Any respectable reader/gamer/web watcher/nerd is familiar with Felicia Day - the elfin, exuberant, and possibly naturally ginger star of The Guild, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, and Red, an original SyFy movie that totally wasn't her fault. Well, Ms. Day posted a video in advance of the IAWTV Awards (International Academy of Web Television) to describe why she is so passionate about creating web content. The video proved very educational even beyond that, in it I learned: - Being described by fans of The Guild as "doable" seems to have been less creepy and more of a wonderful surpise. - She keeps... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
oof! blam! argh! added a favorite at Choon
Jan 6, 2012
I don't work sober because I WANT to...
We have a beer machine in our kitchen at work. It dispenses very, very cold beer and like our local economy, teeters on the edge of collapse from lack of funds. This is a heartfelt plea to make it all better. Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
The Zombie Slingshot Hammer With Skull Ejector: You'll Shoot Your Eye Out In A Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Wasteland, Kid.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a man who: 1) Has too much time on his hands 2) Is making the best possible use of that time 3) Has a funny accent and friggin' arms bigger than my waist*. If I could lift it, I would get me one of these. * OK, bigger than my thigh**. ** FINE, bigger than my pasty, noodley arms. SHUT UP. Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
oof! blam! argh! is now following jeff reine
Jan 4, 2012
oof! blam! argh! is now following missmarymary
Jan 4, 2012
The Dark Lion King Begins. And Then Rises. Geez, mashups confuse me so hard.
The Lion King Rises: not coming soon in 3D. Not coming soon at all. Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
The Godamn Batman is With You Always
"Give me a little more up top and down below. If you know what I mean." Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2012 at oof! blog! argh!
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