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Andrea Kane
Organic beauty expert, blogger, massage therapist
Recent Activity
Andrea Kane is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Andrea Kane has shared their blog The Organic Beauty Expert
Aug 14, 2009
I'm a Twitter chick, so I like the follow option and looking forward to being able to allow my readers to follow and for me personally to find other blogs.
What's Following All About?
Updated 7/20/09 If you're previewing the new TypePad, you may see some new things on your Dashboard, and you might be asking yourself: "what's this new following thing all about?" Something we heard over and over when customers were giving us feedback on TypePad is that it was too hard to find ...
Andrea Kane is now following Ginevra
Jul 14, 2009
Perhaps I am blind, but I clicked through using the invite and I see nothing new or different. No preview button.
This Week's Release: Design, Workflow, and Bug Fixes
Here's a few highlights from this week's release. Add more awesome to your blog: We've put together a great list of independent experts who can help make your blog design really sing. Check it out! We're working on improving the new themes from Japan, too, and should have new widths available...
The Mariners are in a tight spot with Betancourt. When he came up, it looked like he was going to be an impressive defensive SS with just enough pop in his bat to make him above average at the position.
However time has shown that he can't or won't live up to those expectations.
Perhaps it's mental with him and someone could turn him around. He's young enough that you never know.
Jack Wilson-Yuniesky Betancourt Not Happening
THURSDAY: Baker has an update: the Pirates find Betancourt too pricey. Baker is surprised by this, but it seems reasonable to me that they would not want to take on an additional $4MM+ for that kind of project. MONDAY: According to Geoff Baker of the Seattle Times, the Pirates and Mariners have...
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