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Interests: Fourth / Desert worth a sin Tiramisu com amareto e rasberry Raspberry and Amaretto Tiramisu 5.00 Chocolate branco e caramelo White Chocolate Caramel 5.50 Strudel de maça original de Viena e gelado de baunilha Original Viennese Apple Strudel and Vanilla Ice cream 4.50 Bolinho de chocolate doce caseiro e gelado Homemade Brownie Fondant and Ice-cream 5.50 Prato misto de queijo ( Grada Padano, Taleggio e queijo duro português ) Mixed plate of Cheese (Grana Padano, Taleggio and Portugese Hard Cheese) 7.00 Lasanha de maça e queijo Apple Cheese Lasagne 6.50 Gelado misto Mixed Ice Cream 3.50
Recent Activity
Frango involtini peito de frango recheado de presunto e molho de rucúla Chicken Involtini chicken breast stuffed with Parma ham and rocket pesto 10.50 Frango scaloppine em molho de manteiga e limão Chicken Scaloppine in lemon thyme butter 10.50 Bifes Steaks ponte de Acém Argentino Argentinean Prime Rib Eye 15.00... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at Oscarmiguel31's blog
Oscarmiguel31 is now following kimmi8
Mar 9, 2010
Oscarmiguel31 is now following Denise Wakeman
Mar 9, 2010
Oscarmiguel31 is now following Pim
Mar 9, 2010