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My kind of valentine, via Country Living (free pdf printable here). Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2012 at The Write Start
Full disclosure here: some of my ideas are real duds. Like the first time I made Mother's Day gifts with Jack, for the grandmothers, Great Grandma, and the aunts. We made mosaic flower pots by dipping tissue paper squares in... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2011 at The Write Start
I just showed my kids how to make snapdragons roar at the garden center the other day! Its so funny, you dont know what you remember until you remember it. I love that quote from your Grandma. How lucky you are. (And the dresses on your site are BEAUTIFUL! I took a peek!)
Toggle Commented Apr 24, 2011 on What's Up, Buttercup? at The Write Start
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Posted Apr 22, 2011 at The Write Start
The theme of my life lately is this: When I least expect it (and quite possibly when I need it the most) my kids are teaching me. Case in point: The other day, two-year-old Gracie stepped outside the front door... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2011 at The Write Start
Who doesnt like butter? Shocking! ;)
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2011 on What's Up, Buttercup? at The Write Start
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Why are there not more four leaf clovers around? I wish for them so hard when my kids are looking for them too! But no luck!
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2011 on What's Up, Buttercup? at The Write Start
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I have such distinct memories of doing the "butter test" when I was a child. And, since we spied the first buttercups of the Spring on our walk the other day, Jack initiated Gracie into the ritual. It's simply this:... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2011 at The Write Start
Jack is 6 1/2. (I have a hard time even typing that -- how fast they grow!)
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2011 on A Boy and his Blog at The Write Start
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A while back I bought a large sketch book for Jack. I had a writing ritual that I was envisioning, but, as often happens, he had a completely different idea for the book. And, as also often happens, his idea... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2011 at The Write Start
Hi! I found that little stamp set in the dollar bins at Target a few years ago, for, you guessed it, $1! I dont know if you can still find them there, but I hope so!
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2011 on Clay Conversation Hearts at The Write Start
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We crafted some cute little tokens of affection out of clay for Valentine's Day. We plan on passing them out to friends along with some handwritten Valentines. To make the clay, I modified a recipe from this book: First, combine... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2011 at The Write Start
My little random-number-generators worked hard at helping me with the book giveaway. Jack wrote 70+ numbers on tiny pieces of paper, and Gracie helped to fold them up and put them in her cowboy hat. (As an aside, writing on... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2011 at The Write Start
We took a break from all of the snow last week to duck into the bookstore to check out The Write Start. To say that having my kids pluck a book that I wrote off of a shelf at one... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2011 at The Write Start
Remember last year's holiday workshop? This year's version is all about making ornaments as gifts. Right now, Jack is loving the process of coloring pre-made wooden ornaments from the craft store using markers. (A great activity for strengthening his grasp... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2010 at The Write Start
I have been in the Thanksgiving spirit for a while now, even though we still have a ways to go until Turkey Day. I am particularly thankful for all of you, and the support you have given me and my... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2010 at The Write Start
I'm so excited to share some Big News with you... The Write Start (the book) will be hitting the shelves On December 28 thanks to the amazing folks at Trumpeter Books. The idea for this book began with this blog,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at The Write Start
As someone who writes about writing, there is something that gets me wildly fired-up: A blank piece of paper. Really. I'm passionate about blank paper. How does one get all passionate about a blank page, you ask? Let me tell... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2010 at The Write Start
Hi Aimee- Thanks so much for sharing my enthusiasm! I love what youre doing with your blog -- Ive been following it for a while on facebook. I added you to my sidebar because youve been inspiring me! All best wishes, Jen
1 reply
We've had a nature table on our back porch for a few years now. In its former life, it was actually a shoe bench in an old office of mine. (I got it from IKEA years ago, I don't see... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2010 at The Write Start
Try aphabet stickers! You might need to put a clear coat of something like Mod Podge on them (yourself) afterwards, and they may not be totally weatherproof, but it may still work out great. I tried stamping, and, to be honest, my kids found it frustrating because of the uneven surface of the rocks, so I dont think that would be perfect for a 3 y.o. If you try it, let me know how it goes!
Toggle Commented Aug 21, 2010 on Alpha Rocks at The Write Start
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Inspired by this amazing article, we set up a mudpie kitchen in a shady spot in the backyard. To tell you the truth, my kids really don't need to be enticed to play in the mud (I call them the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2010 at The Write Start
Thanks a million Jean!
Toggle Commented Aug 11, 2010 on Alfresco Art at The Write Start
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A group art project was on the agenda at Camp Mom the other day. It was Baba's birthday, and I planted the seed for the three grandkids to work together to make her a piece of original art. I bought... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2010 at The Write Start
Thanks, Destri! Im so inspired by your blog ( Thanks for visiting here!
Toggle Commented Aug 5, 2010 on Alpha Rocks at The Write Start
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