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Otmane Laaboudi
Rabat, Morocco
Otmane Laaboudi engaged in social law in consulting and litigation with a clientele consisting mostly of companies. Otmane founded his firm Laaboudi related in 2001 with his wife Manal El Rhazi having started his career in 1995 with the Bette Associates firm. Otmane intervenes in all areas of tax, criminal and civil law in particular errors of travails, illegal trade, theft and tax fraud, litigation work. He has however developed an expertise in tax disputes. Otmane Laaboudi is based in ile de France. Otmane specialises in economic law and works both in the field and Council litigation on all issues related to the law of contracts, the right of distribution and the right of competition. His wife Manal instead the complements and deals with all the aspects of the right social consulting and litigation, both in terms of individual collective labour relations with a clientele composed essentially of companies.
Interests: Law, Court, Tribunal, Fraud, Accidents, Divorce
Recent Activity
Otmane Laaboudi is now following William Wegman
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Otmane Laaboudi is now following Moira McLaughlin
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Otmane Laaboudi is now following Account Deleted
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Otmane Laaboudi is now following Mommy Shorts
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Otmane Laaboudi is now following Doug French
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Otmane Laaboudi is now following Music Lover
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Otmane Laaboudi is now following Jenn
Mar 27, 2015
Otmane Laaboudi is now following GretchenRubin
Mar 27, 2015
Otmane Laaboudi is now following Account Deleted
Mar 27, 2015
Otmane Laaboudi is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 27, 2015