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with some crafty project nearby
Interests: amigurumi, embroidery, crochet, sewing, knitting...
geez, pretty much anything crafty :)
Recent Activity
I love the way it turned out, I need to make more of the things that I pin :)
a hat with a pom
Inspired by this puppy, I made this hat for Phoebe. It's 6" of brioche stitch with some quick decreases at the top, knit in thick & quick yarn, with a big scraggly pom. It's cute but I wish that yarn was fuzzier and softer and in a great color. I've started the purlbee owl with this yarn but ...
Thanks so much for reminding me to pick up some supplies for my little one's stockings, hopefully I'll get them in time!
SouleMama Sponsor ~ STUBBY PENCIL STUDIO ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Stubby Pencil Studio. "Stubby Pencil Studio offers eco friendly kids art materials and school supplies like crayons made from soy - not petroleum; stationery, greeting cards, ...
Happy Birthday to your Oscar, mine turns 7 tomorrow on the 7th. He's getting Clone Wars legos instead of HP :)
Santa's workshop shut down this weekend so we could celebrate Oscar's turning seven. It was such a fun weekend and so relaxing to focus just on our cute boy and have a break from the holiday bustle.
Sundara is always the most beautiful eye candy yarn in my opinion. I always stop by to look at all the pretty colorways, but have yet ever been able to make up my mind which to buy!
SouleMama Sponsor ~ SUNDARA YARN ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Sundara Yarn. In Sundara's words: "Sundara Yarn hand-dyes a wide range of luxury fibers for knitting, crochet and weaving. The majority of our yarns are one of a kind, "Limited Ed...
Okay, so I always love STC Craft books, but I have to say- after getting my copy today, I love yours the best!
Congratulations on your book, I can't wait until my little boy is back to school in 3 weeks- I'll have mornings for crafting again, and until then I can use the time to choose my favorites to start on, thanks so much for sharing your (wee) wonderful talent!
the wee wonderfuler
August 1, it's official, the book is OUT! Amazon shipped pre-orders pretty early and I've received so many kind, wonderful emails from you guys. Thank you so much! And look, even two cuties in the flickr group already! This is exciting!! Tim and I put together this little "instructional" video t...
All comments before this reply qualify to be included in the pattern giveaway.
Everyone after, please feel free to continue commenting, I love reading about everyone's favorite foods. You guys seriously got me hungry every time I read a new comment!
Pearl the panda girl amigurumi pattern available & a giveaway!
Took me long enough, didn't it! I hope she was worth the wait... The pattern is 6 pages long with 11 images including the one on the cover and is available for purchase on Etsy & Ravelry (buy now). Here she is from the front- And now the back :) It's always the silly things or minutiae tha...
Congratulations, I'm so excited that there will be so many fantastic patterns to try.
I've already pre-ordered it :)
want a peek?
So this is very exciting to say -- I can actually point you to that bear pattern from the other day and also 23 other patterns that I've had to keep under wraps for months. He's in here! The book! It doesn't come out until August 1st but you can preorder here if you're the planning ahead type. ...
She's fantastic! I have a three year old who wants to marry a rabbit when she grows up, this would be the next best thing :)
a hoppy little giveaway
Phoebe and I spotted another bunny in action. We seem to have the knack. We spotted her trail first. Then we peeked the cutie herself doling out jelly beans. This bunny was not as skittish and stopped for hugs and to share her candy. So friendly in fact that she agreed to let us find her ...
Mia is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hey Heather, Thanks for the reply. I love your idea, we were kicking around something similar, but Ill definitely mention it at our fundraising meeting this week. And yeah, I know what you mean about just starting out at the school- Im a kinder mama this year and our daughter wont start until fall 2011, so theres definitely a learning curve with navigating the PTO. At least one good thing is that this school is only in its second year so there arent too many rules and nuances with our PTO- yet :)
I thought I'd have more time once one of my little ones was in school. I don't know what I was thinking. I haven't picked up a crochet hook in weeks- it's leading to crankiness on my part :) I'm making the Shetland Triangle Lace Shawl by Evelyn Clark, I thought for me, but my mom's birthday is...
Thanks for the thoughtful response, and yeah, regarding the library- wed already had a fall book fair, I dont know if there was a spring one planned, but it may be a good idea to have another to benefit the library. Follett is one of the companies that we order from too, one of the things we were thinking of doing was to perhaps have a week of fundraising where we had specific books that the librarian wanted to purchase and allowed families to pay for that specific book and have a bookplate in the book highlighting the family that donated it to the libary. Hopefully something like thatll work :)
I thought I'd have more time once one of my little ones was in school. I don't know what I was thinking. I haven't picked up a crochet hook in weeks- it's leading to crankiness on my part :) I'm making the Shetland Triangle Lace Shawl by Evelyn Clark, I thought for me, but my mom's birthday is...
Wow, I loved reading about all your pets!
Thanks for participating in the giveaway, I'll pick a winner tonight & probably post tomorrow.
Comments are now closed for this giveaway.
Zoe in a snowflake dress amigurumi pattern available & a giveaway!
Long time no pattern, huh. Well, let's remedy that one right now :) Say hi to Zoe. I've started a running list of my favorite names and this one's at the top. It was also the name my mom decided to give our dachshund when I was little, so there went any chance of naming a daughter tha...
Thanks Tracie and Jen, I was pretty excited about it :)
Rebekah in Crochet Today!
She has a new name now too- Ice Princess (Rav link). The pattern is slightly different than the old one, but I was happy to have been asked to have her pattern in Crochet Today! I got my copy sent to me earlier this month, but I was waiting to share until copies of it showed up in my local ...
The puffs are perfect! My daughter has become quite a Tinkerbell fanatic, and those type of slippers might just fit the bill since we've yet to find the missing one for over a week now :)
some last minute holiday making
puffs for the toes and cookies for santa
My daughter is a Hello Kitty maniac, though I admit, I sort of encourage her love of all things Hello Kitty- it reminds me of my childhood.
Now I'm off to take a look at the shop, I may have to take them up on the coupon code...
SouleMama Sponsor ~ THIS and THAT FROM JAPAN ~
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Today's featured sponsor is This and That From Japan. In their words: "Japanese fabric, craft supplies, craft books, paper clay and molds direct from Japan. Enjoy high quality Japanese crafting supplies and th...
Hey Andrea :) They're Bamboletta dolls- that we got last year for the kids.
Back so soon?
Why yes, yes I am :) I know, I'm horrible at blogging this year. I blame it on a multitude of things that have happened since this summer that I have no control over and realizing how horribly I deal with them. I did have a good reason for not coming back as soon as I wanted. I was sicker than...
Her work is some of my favorite, I love how sweet childhood looks through her eyes!
SouleMama Sponsor ~ SARAH JANE STUDIOS ~
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Today's featured sponsor is Sarah Jane Studios. In her words: "If you were to go back in time to my 5 year old self and asked me "what do you want to do when you grow up, Sarah?" I would have answered: "Be a mo...
Yum! Week one sounds fantastic, and I'm *always* on the lookout for a great recipe for beans. Even though my grandma has shared her recipe with me time and again, they never taste quite the same!
the mcelwee's kitchen bible
Ask and you shall receive! So many of you were interested in the recipes in my meal calendar that I went ahead and made my Tastebook public: The McElwee's Kitchen Bible - full of quick, healthy vegetarian recipes. You can actually buy the book if you want - Tastebook gets all the profit,...
I'm so still getting ready! Deciding to make an accurate *shudder* hairy spider costume 2 days before Halloween has proved to be quite an undertaking. It should be ready by the party we're going this afternoon. I hope!
getting ready
It's 2pm on October 31st. Is anyone else still trimming seams or waiting for glue to dry? Hmn? Dressing up is such a blast - What a fun, fun family day! Happy Halloween and Harvest Days to you and yours!!
Oooooo! I have some pinkish/orange yarn that I bought last spring that I've been wanting to use for something, I just don't know how well it'll go with my skin tone :)
And thanks for the feedback on the borders, it'll probably grown on me too!
Nostalgia colorways
I think I'm fairly consistent in professing my love for Malabrigo, so I won't go on and on, but I did make the Noble Cowl in Malabrigo Nostalgia. Some of my favorite colors make up this colorways, and I figured that it'd be a good one to use for my first foray into knitting a lace pattern. ...
Hi MB! I was thinking about getting some from them, and I ended up getting some to try out from Joy's since she's having a 30% off retirement sale.
Thanks for the suggestion!
So, about stuffing.
Well, as mentioned, I wanted to talk about stuffing a doll. I like to try out different types of fiberfill/stuffing/filling/roving etc. for dolls but I have to keep coming back to the regular Poly-fil. This bamboo one is 100% Bamboo, made by Fairfield and part of their Nature-fil line. It was ...
I'm making something right now with Red Heart super saver in buff, and it does seem to be a good match for a skin tone.
The perfect skin tone?
I'm reblogging a picture because I have a question for you... What yarns do you like to use that are close to accurate skin tones? This has been an ongoing search for me, and I'd like to post about yarns that have colors similar to skin tones that are useful. It doesn't matter what brand or ...
Thanks for sharing, and yeah, I prefer wool over acrylic but that's just because wool is squishier and has a lot more give. I crochet so tightly that I get acrylic burns (sort of like rug burns), on my hands if I use it for an extended period of time.
The perfect skin tone?
I'm reblogging a picture because I have a question for you... What yarns do you like to use that are close to accurate skin tones? This has been an ongoing search for me, and I'd like to post about yarns that have colors similar to skin tones that are useful. It doesn't matter what brand or ...
Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep that in mind :)
The perfect skin tone?
I'm reblogging a picture because I have a question for you... What yarns do you like to use that are close to accurate skin tones? This has been an ongoing search for me, and I'd like to post about yarns that have colors similar to skin tones that are useful. It doesn't matter what brand or ...
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