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Elizabeth, from what I see my ruling planet Mars tangled with complicated Pluto on Monday. furious atmosphere for some. I need to look more into it. Thank you again :)
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@Elizabeth: thank you so much. I am in Eastern zone of the USA. All I know that Monday was the heaviest day, mostly it was the evening for me... when the music stopped playing... I still don't want to listen to anything. It only irritates me. The conversation I had too potent and too unexpected. There was not much said, but what was said. There's a feeling that not just me got hurt, but my friend also. By my response. Maybe I responded stronger and more clearer than anyone would ever bring that to his attention. There's a disappointment in this person for me. I wanted to help him to become a better person. So I wrote to him too many things that other are afraid to tell him, because he is very strong and influential. I was never afraid to tell the truth. I feel somehow, it is not over, it was like a crack in the earth, but something else is there, nor sure what. Tension is rising for sure these days. I feel it inside. I wish I can hibernate and wake up when Dec 21 eclipse will be over. Not sure how it will affect me. I don't know much about astrology, Elizabeth, but my north node, according to what I see in my chart, is in the last house, the 12th. If you know what that Monday meant for me, and my North node in 12th, please briefly share. Thank you. Lisa
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Hi Robert! It's been an odd week. This Monday 12/15 was probably the worst, the heaviest day. I need to vent. I had a very potent interaction with a friend, a special friend, or so I hoped... Not what I expected. I was hurt. Then I hurt him back, with a stinger... my reactions are extreme at time. I don't know what it was. It is heavy. a week before he cared about me, now he says he is not interested. maybe he is potting his self defenses, not sure what I've done wrong. But I am hurt. I know it is strange for you to hear, without knowing details. But it is not what I expected him to say. I am an Aries. He is a Scorpio. I have been living questions since that day. as you know in that book of Rainer Maria Rilke, "Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer." Tell me, Robert, what was on that day? His words were like a knife. Thank you
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Great article Robert. My question is not on the subject: what sign is Boca Raton, Florida? I am buying a house there and will move in Jan. Thank you
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Robert, I agree. I know why it happened. The person I love, I wished the worst that morning, I once believed he is my twin flame. I think he is. So I got mad and was driving cursing him. anyway, I guess instant result
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Mr.Robert, can you tell me why this is happening? (my last post)
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This Full Moon has been tough one. Mercury Rx too. Pressure... difficult time. This morning I broke my tooth and alter this morning a motorcycle crushed into my car, hit and run. No trace. I am so drained with everything happening within last 3 weeks or so, I can't even talk. I am calm, no energy for words, I will pray
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Aug 25, 2010