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Pablo Duran
Recent Activity
Wow, I can not believe it yet. Heroes was my first series, will be forever THE series. Sylar, I hated you and sometimes i admired you, you were the best villain that a series could have. the truth is I am very saddened by the cancellation of heroes, it really is a shame. Zachary thanks to you for all the emotions that you created with your character and your series. Heroes will be forever in my memory. A hug from Chile Zach. Farewell Sylar...........Farewell Gabriel...........
Toggle Commented May 20, 2010 on chapter's end... at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
Wow, I can not believe it yet. Heroes was my first series, will be forever THE series. Sylar, I hated you and occasionally look up to you, you were the best villain that a series could have. The truth is I am very saddened by the cancellation of heroes, it is a really really shame. Zachary a hug for you and thanks for all the emotions you created with your character and your series. Heroes will be forever in my memory. A hug from chile Zach. Farewell Sylar ..........Farewell Gabriel...........
Toggle Commented May 20, 2010 on chapter's end... at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
Pablo Duran is now following Zachary Quinto
May 20, 2010
Pablo Duran is now following The Typepad Team
May 20, 2010