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Pablo Duran
Recent Activity
Wow, I can not believe it yet. Heroes was my first series, will be forever THE series. Sylar, I hated you and sometimes i admired you, you were the best villain that a series could have. the truth is I am very saddened by the cancellation of heroes, it really is a shame. Zachary thanks to you for all the emotions that you created with your character and your series. Heroes will be forever in my memory. A hug from Chile Zach. Farewell Sylar...........Farewell Gabriel...........
chapter's end...
5.15.10 the road ahead... yesterday nbc announced that heroes is officially cancelled. as much as we have been aware of this possibility for a few weeks - it remains surreal to consider that the decision has been made. the action has been taken. and this chapte...
Wow, I can not believe it yet. Heroes was my first series, will be forever THE series. Sylar, I hated you and occasionally look up to you, you were the best villain that a series could have. The truth is I am very saddened by the cancellation of heroes, it is a really really shame. Zachary a hug for you and thanks for all the emotions you created with your character and your series. Heroes will be forever in my memory. A hug from chile Zach. Farewell Sylar ..........Farewell Gabriel...........
chapter's end...
5.15.10 the road ahead... yesterday nbc announced that heroes is officially cancelled. as much as we have been aware of this possibility for a few weeks - it remains surreal to consider that the decision has been made. the action has been taken. and this chapte...
Pablo Duran is now following Zachary Quinto
May 20, 2010
Pablo Duran is now following The Typepad Team
May 20, 2010
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