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Pace Hartfield
Interests: time with my family, developing worship culture, fishing and all things outdoors
Recent Activity
What a sweet encouragement! I have that 4 year old who spills his cup every night, and I need to remember he's not doing it on purpose!
I am so sad to miss your conference this next weekend. Our church is having its annual conference, and as a pastor's wife I need to be there, but OH! how much I'd love to be at yours! I loved it so much last year and am determined to make it again next time! I hope all goes well, and that you find rest in between!!
Grace and patience
It had been a long weekend--the third of such weekends. Lots of wonderful women chattering, asking questions, sharing hearts; speaking, praying, encouraging, laughing. One more conference with 4 more to go before our 20 day mission trip ending the season. And now, we were leaving the hotel to sp...
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