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Thank you for the insight. I really appreciate your work and am trying to root myself in the Iowa Core. I love it. I have been around 17 years and like you have seen many things come and go. Thanks for the support!
Initiatives Come and Go
Anyone who knows much about me knows the depth of my ties to the Iowa Core. For those who don’t: I was a member of the original 9-12 Literacy Writing team back when it was still the Model Core Curriculum. Since then, I’ve served on teams to revise, review, align, measure, study, characterize, o...
Padgets is now following B_Wagoner
Jan 4, 2011
I really appreciated the opportunity to come to this conference. I went home to my school and raved about how this conference was one of the top 5 conferences I had been to in the last 16 years of teaching. I was so happy to see no vendors and groups of teachers just sitting in groups and talking, collberating and sharing. It is what we all do not get enough chances to do because of time constraints. I learned so much and can not wait to come back next year!
Resources from the Iowa One to One Institute
The Iowa One to One Institute was a great day to connect and learn from others despite the internet problems that we had. Over 550 educators had the chance to collaborate with one another about how technology can transform education. There were over 70 different sessions that participants coul...
Padgets is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 18, 2010
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