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Paige Bayer
Silicon Valley
Mom of 2, Wife of 1, Eco-livin, Slow Food lovin, Gardening Fool.
Interests: gardening, cooking, writing, making crafts with my kids, hanging with the girls, getting dolled up and going out on the town with my husband.
Recent Activity
You owe me a cranberry curd recipe!
Toggle Commented Jun 21, 2011 on Canned Lemon Curd at Canning with Kids
I totally understand that, Rachel. Safety is very important. This recipe is actually from the FDA's canning approved recipe site. I've made several batches of it the last two years and I feel pretty good about it. But I know the egg thing weirds me out.
Toggle Commented Jun 21, 2011 on Canned Lemon Curd at Canning with Kids
Yea! Did you make it? Now that the weather is finally nice over here, we're really loving it at night. My husband and I like to sit outside with a glass of wine and chat after we put the kids to bed, and this little lamp is the perfect mood lighting.
Hi Kristin! I hope you end up liking the pie filling! It is quite good, but....yes...runny. You could add a bit of cornstarch to it when you use it, to thicken it up. Or if you made the recipe again, you could use Clear Jel, which is a canning-safe cornstarch. Besides using as a pie filling, you can put it on top of some yogurt and add some granola for crunch. YUM. Or you can top ice cream or cheesecake with it. SWOON! Or add it into cream of wheat or oatmeal!
I confirmed with Mabervev over email but thought I would respond here for any others who are wondering. The pickld radish rcipe I have here is definitly a refrigerator pickle. It's not canned, and it's not meant to be stored simply in your basement, or the like. It should last 3-4 weeks (easy) in the fridge, though.
Thanks to Trop50 for sponsoring my writing about fabulous bloggers. This year Trop50 is granting 50 Fabulous Wishes. Click here to enter for a chance to win $1,000 to celebrate a friend with a refreshing attitude about looking and feeling fabulous! Though all very different, the 5 bloggers I highlight below all have one thing in common: they are genuinely who they are. And that is what makes them, and their blogs, special to me. Shauna of Gluten Free Girl I've known of Shauna for quite some time. I loved watching her on the BlogHer Food videos from 2010. She... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2011 at Canning with Kids
I don't know what it is about farms that so attracts me. Maybe it's being smack dab in the middle of Silicon Valley, and remembering how many more cherry trees there were when I was a kid. Or maybe it's just being in California, a state blessed with sunshine and fertile soil.Or perhaps it's the history of the Valley of Heart's Delight. Whatever it is, I can attest to you that I spend much of my time hunting out farms where I can take the kids on u-pick adventures, farms where kids can play, farms that set up fruit stands... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Canning with Kids
I just drew the name and the winner is....NUMBER 9! That's Eunice C. Eunice - I will be in touch. Congrats!
If you haven't already read my post about the greatness that is World Fair Trade Day, please do that! If you're in the bay area, Fair Trade USA and Stag Dining Group invite you to join us for Wake Up the World Brunchon Saturday, May 14th at 10am in San Francisco. Chefs Jordan Grosser and Ted Fleury are committed to creating unforgettable dining experiences with a keen eye on social, economic and environmental sustainability. In celebration of World Fair Trade Day, Stag has prepared a delightful brunch menu that features a wide variety of Fair Trade Certified ingredients, paired with... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2011 at Canning with Kids
“TRADE FOR PEOPLE – Fair Trade your world” World Fair Trade Day is May 14. Join the Wake Up the World campaign to take action for Fair Trade. Supporting farmers and workers around the world is as easy as a cup of coffee and a banana. I've written about Fair Trade several times. There's a reason for that! And it's not because I'm being paid (because I'm not). I think most people become overwhelmed when they think about the amount of suffering that occurs around the world. Most of us probably try not to think of it too much -... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2011 at Canning with Kids
It's canned craft time! Aren't you just shaking in your boots? ME TOO! It's like spring cleaning. The the time where I look around at all of the stuff overtaking my world, and ask myself, "Self, what can you do with this stuff to make it more interesting, and less cluttery?" The answer? Ball Jar Chandelier. You've seen 'em on Etsy, you've thought to yourself, "Wow, that seems easy enough. Except the whole welding and electrical stuff. Which could kill me. If I weren't careful." But what if there were an easier way to make a cute little ball chandelier... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2011 at Canning with Kids
Thanks, Gudrun. I look forward (wait! I don't!) to your call post-disaster. =) P.S. will arrange chicken viewing soon!
Thanks, Lenelle. I will check out your blog right now! I sure do love me a good homestead! ;)
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2011 on Canned Loquat Butter at Canning with Kids
I just met you, loquat, and yet...I....I...I... I LOVE YOU! Is it too soon to say? Maybe it is, considering you only stay ripe and juicy for a month, maybe a little longer. We've just met, our season together will be a short one, but let's savor the sweetness while we can. Wait! Did someone say CAN???? Oh, dear me, it looks like our love can be preserved! Yippee! My love of the loquat began, oh, about a week and a half ago. It was an email from a neighbor letting us know his tree was filled with ripe loquats... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2011 at Canning with Kids
I can hardly believe it's been nearly four weeks since the San Jose Bakesale for Japan. It took me a while to recuperate, but I think I'm finally there. felt like we needed a little wrap-up to share all of our wonderful accomplishments and to once again remember that there are still a lot of people in Japan who are suffering, whose lives have changed forever. Let's continue to keep them in our hearts and prayers as they struggle to rebuild their lives and their land. So, what did we accomplish on a sunny morning and early afternoon at... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2011 at Canning with Kids
Mrs Kezner - LOVE that idea on the cleaning solution! I do use my lemons for cleaning, but never thought of reusing those peels. You're a genius! I love putting every last bit to use. Nina - totally OK to freeze in bags but if you're going to do that, you would save space to just freeze lemon juice in 1 cup quantities. Then, when ready to use make a simple syrup on the stove (1 cup water/1 cup sugar). Add the lemon juice and 4 cups of water. I do that all the time, but I need to can it because I have way too much for the freezer!
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2011 on Canned Lemonade Concentrate at Canning with Kids
Lemon season is coming to a close in these parts of the woods (hahha - I love saying that because I live in Silicon Valley). My husband went on a lemon picking bender one weekend, and I came home to over a dozen grocery bags filled with yellow yummy goodness. All picked. At the same exact time. Which, no matter how you slice it (hahaha AGAIN! Get it??? I know. I am freaking hilarious today) means there will be lots of moldy lemons. And it drives me crazy, because moldy lemons don't bother my husband. He almost likes it. I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2011 at Canning with Kids
Easter is a family day. A big family day. Lots of people, lots of food. And lots of eggs. Because my family is all about brunch on holidays, it's a perfect opportunity to try and find unusual uses for all of those eggs. Fancy deviled eggs, green eggs and ham, meringue. Oh, meringue. This year I've used Foodily to pre-plan my holiday menu. I call my menu Easter Brunch with a Bunch. So, what's on my menu for this weekend? Well, besides the green eggs and ham, there's honey glazed ham as well. There are deviled eggs (because you need... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2011 at Canning with Kids
I wanted to give some love to all of the wonderful businesses in the Bay Area who are stepping up to help with the San Jose Bakesale for Japan. These businesses are either donating baked goods, time, or items for raffle, and we're super happy they will be a part of the San Jose Bakesale or the Kanikapila that will be taking place immediately afterward. We couldn't do it without you, so thank you. If you're in the Bay Area (or not, many of these businesses have online shops) consider supporting the great small businesses who help our communities thrive... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at Canning with Kids
My dear, sweet daughter is turning two today. 2! Can you believe it? I cannot. I wanted to make something special for her for breakfast. I made her these heart-shaped cornbread muffins. Aren't they sweet? They go perfectly with the honey lemon lavender jelly. Really. Perfect. Cornbread mix is easy to make, and you most assuredly have the ingredients in your pantry, already. Why buy a mix? I love (seriously love) using ingredients from my pantry. Whenever I make a meal of things lying around, I fish for compliments from my family. "Did you see what I did? I used... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at Canning with Kids
Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. -- Howard Zinn San Jose Japantown is getting in on the national bakesale for Japan. Want to take part? Here's what you need to know: When: Saturday, April 2nd from 10am-2pm Where: Roy’s Station (197 Jackson St. in San Jose) Who: Professional and amateur bakers, cooks, artists, artisans, and musicians coming together around food to make something BIG happen. How: Want to help? We’ll need bakers, artists, volunteers, and lots and lots of customers. Please send offers of help to [email protected] Why: So we can donate BIG BUCKS... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2011 at Canning with Kids
Honey Lemon Jelly is officially the new spread of choice for cornbread, at least in my household. Honey butter? Hmmm...turns her nose up...yo' butter ain't sweet like mine. ' If you've been wanting to try canning, this is a great recipe to start out with. It's quick. It's almost fool-proof (thanks to the addition of liquid pectin). And if you're lucky, you can make it on the cheap, like I did. How did I make it cheap? Lemons from my backyard and honey from a neighbor. Bonus: it's local. About as local as you get! I do hope a lot... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2011 at Canning with Kids
A cute little cow creamer for just the right price! And look! He's sitting in a patch of grass. He must be one of those happy cows we're always talking about in California. Isn't he adorable? From the moment I saw him, I had to have him. And he only set me back $5.99. He's part of the Blue & White Home Collection at Target but it appears you can't find him online. I just picked him up this past weekend, though, so if you're fast, you can get one too! If you desperately want one, and can't find this... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Canning with Kids
Hahah! I hear you on the canning police! Really, the only reason the canned lemon juice is because of the consistency of the pH. If you test your fresh lemon juice for the pH prior, and it is under 3, you're good. I think fresh is far superior as well (and seriously, I have a glut of lemons, I am not going to buy some commercial lemon juice!!!)
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2011 on Canned Lemon Curd at Canning with Kids
Llark5 - you are totally right about the aftertaste. This was my first time trying to can my mandarins. I realized very quickly that I would need to deal with the pulp. I've found a few websites that address cutting the pith off but man, what an undertaking. I will have to think about this more for next season. =(
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2011 on Canned Mandarin Oranges at Canning with Kids