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I'm a blogger constantly finding beauty in my crazy-amazing life.
Interests: Finding adventure in: books, blogs, recipes, love and small things along the way.
Recent Activity
I just wanted to say thank you for "introducing" me to Claire Desjardins. She is great.
abstract art for over the mantle.
I am overwhelmed with all that we "need" to get this new space filled properly. Need is, of course, the wrong word. "Want" surely fits better. But our list of furniture to buy is very long and so the money jar to buy rad art is...empty. This means I have to get a little bit creative and try a...
I've been working. Planning. Painting. Writing. Photographing. Emailing. Tweeting. Not a lot of blogging. I feel a big transition and I haven't fully been able to grasp it. Lots of swirling thoughts, lots of staring at the ceiling at 2am, and lots of possibility, but nothing concrete. It's coming. Promise.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2013 at approaching joy
Inspiration :: Practicality be Damned
Five and a half years ago, the day after Christmas my younger brother and I walked the grounds of the United States capitol building. It was a cold night but the combination of the Christmas lights and the happy anxiety of starting a new job in a new city in... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2013 at approaching joy
"and I love flowers" may just be my favorite comment of all time. Seriously- Thank you Annie.
And now a word about being stuck...
Attention: Short whiny moment ahead. Please proceed with extreme caution and care. Reminder to all: Only YOU can prevent overwhelming negativity... and forest fires. I am frustrated. Me looking through the junk mail: "I could paint the pattern on that $60 plate. Why didn't I make that?" M...
Thanks for the comment- It's so good to know it's not just me!!
And now a word about being stuck...
Attention: Short whiny moment ahead. Please proceed with extreme caution and care. Reminder to all: Only YOU can prevent overwhelming negativity... and forest fires. I am frustrated. Me looking through the junk mail: "I could paint the pattern on that $60 plate. Why didn't I make that?" M...
Ding ding ding!!
The comparison monster is FEROCIOUS isn't she?!?! (And, yes, I firmly believe, that this particular monster is a "she".) She's subtle but intense and very very real.
And thank you for reading.
And now a word about being stuck...
Attention: Short whiny moment ahead. Please proceed with extreme caution and care. Reminder to all: Only YOU can prevent overwhelming negativity... and forest fires. I am frustrated. Me looking through the junk mail: "I could paint the pattern on that $60 plate. Why didn't I make that?" M...
I understand you in both of these respects. Unplugging and rest are SO important... and something I don't do enough of on a regular basis. Thank you for the reminder.
And now a word about being stuck...
Attention: Short whiny moment ahead. Please proceed with extreme caution and care. Reminder to all: Only YOU can prevent overwhelming negativity... and forest fires. I am frustrated. Me looking through the junk mail: "I could paint the pattern on that $60 plate. Why didn't I make that?" M...
Inspiration :: TedX Fayetteville
Apologies ahead of time if you follow my Instagram feed and have already seen this photo. I was so taken with the event and the people and the experience I just kind of forgot about taking pictures. That, ladies and gentlemen, is saying something. Until last week I thought that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2013 at approaching joy
And now a word about being stuck...
Attention: Short whiny moment ahead. Please proceed with extreme caution and care. Reminder to all: Only YOU can prevent overwhelming negativity... and forest fires. I am frustrated. Me looking through the junk mail: "I could paint the pattern on that $60 plate. Why didn't I make that?" Me on Instagram:... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2013 at approaching joy
Giveaway :: Anything Goes Tickets
Oh my gracious, I'm so excited!! My local theatre and provider of arts + culture + music awesomeness, the Walton Arts center and I have teamed up to bring one of my local readers a pair of tickets to one of the most fun shows off broadway: Anything Goes!! This... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2013 at approaching joy
Inspiration :: A Life Manifesto
Usually on Tuesdays, I post links to yummy things I have found while scouring the Internet. Today, I don't have any such list (Have I not been on the Internet? Have I not been terribly concerned with the blog's well-being? << things to ponder...) Regardless, when I came across the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2013 at approaching joy
Photography :: Horse races in Hot Springs
The Mister and I, along with some friends, are headed to Hot Springs this weekend to the races. It's starting to become an annual tradition that I really look forward to as a fun way to welcome spring in a small quirky town that's not too far from home. If... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2013 at approaching joy
You are too beautiful to burn out Joy! Always remember- take care of yourself.
And now a word about commitments, new projects, and saying no...
(my planner = illustrations + quotes + energtic thoughts + to-do's) I once held a job as the supervisor of 20 intelligent, ambitious college students. When they were under my watch, these 20-somethings were responsible for being ambassadors of the University. Sometimes this meant having dinn...
Rachel- I think admitting that we don't have all the details worked out just yet is freeing. Instead of getting caught up in the why/ how/ where's we get to simply focus on the outcome. Go you!
Life List :: The Birthday Edition
I am 29 years old today. For someone who remembers growing up in a community of women who were perpetually "turning 29... again" this birthday seems to hold a little more weight than the rest. With that chorus of beautiful women ringing in my head it feels as if society has taught me, "This i...
And now a word about commitments, new projects, and saying no...
(my planner = illustrations + quotes + energtic thoughts + to-do's) I once held a job as the supervisor of 20 intelligent, ambitious college students. When they were under my watch, these 20-somethings were responsible for being ambassadors of the University. Sometimes this meant having dinner with donors, sometimes this... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2013 at approaching joy
I am image source Inspired by this Austrailan artist's story Reminding you of the Four Finger Fundraiser!! Dreaming about these rugs. Crushing on website design: especially this amazing-ness - and liking how this artist melds her blog with her portfolio (simple! simple! simple!)- and in awe of the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2013 at approaching joy
:) You are too sweet.
Life List :: The Birthday Edition
I am 29 years old today. For someone who remembers growing up in a community of women who were perpetually "turning 29... again" this birthday seems to hold a little more weight than the rest. With that chorus of beautiful women ringing in my head it feels as if society has taught me, "This i...
Eeek!! Congratulations on achieving your goals!! I've heard amazing things about British Columbia and August is the PERFECT time to get away from this (lovely but incredibly warm) state!!
Life List :: The Birthday Edition
I am 29 years old today. For someone who remembers growing up in a community of women who were perpetually "turning 29... again" this birthday seems to hold a little more weight than the rest. With that chorus of beautiful women ringing in my head it feels as if society has taught me, "This i...
Totally agree!! I'm starting to think that's my new life mantra.
painting :: watercolor class
A few weekends back my mother and grandmother (who is "Nana") came to visit the Mister and I. As I mentioned last week, I've been looking for a painting class and when I discovered that Beth Woessner was offering classes at a local art supply store/ studio I knew that I had found a good fit. ...
I'm going to need an update to see if this happened!!
painting :: watercolor class
A few weekends back my mother and grandmother (who is "Nana") came to visit the Mister and I. As I mentioned last week, I've been looking for a painting class and when I discovered that Beth Woessner was offering classes at a local art supply store/ studio I knew that I had found a good fit. ...
Stay tuned ;)
painting :: watercolor class
A few weekends back my mother and grandmother (who is "Nana") came to visit the Mister and I. As I mentioned last week, I've been looking for a painting class and when I discovered that Beth Woessner was offering classes at a local art supply store/ studio I knew that I had found a good fit. ...
Thank you and yes, I'm glad we did it as well.
painting :: watercolor class
A few weekends back my mother and grandmother (who is "Nana") came to visit the Mister and I. As I mentioned last week, I've been looking for a painting class and when I discovered that Beth Woessner was offering classes at a local art supply store/ studio I knew that I had found a good fit. ...
Do it do it do it!!
It is the PERFECT way to de-stress... unless you're a perfectionist... and then maybe not.
painting :: watercolor class
A few weekends back my mother and grandmother (who is "Nana") came to visit the Mister and I. As I mentioned last week, I've been looking for a painting class and when I discovered that Beth Woessner was offering classes at a local art supply store/ studio I knew that I had found a good fit. ...
Giveaway :: Birthday books!!
Birthday week calls for birthday presents!! Steal Like an Artist and 5: Where Will You be Five Years from Today? are two books I read last spring that accidentally/ unknowingly affected my life in a bigger way than I expected. Something that implied I may possibly (but not for sure,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2013 at approaching joy
Life List :: The Birthday Edition
I am 29 years old today. For someone who remembers growing up in a community of women who were perpetually "turning 29... again" this birthday seems to hold a little more weight than the rest. With that chorus of beautiful women ringing in my head it feels as if society... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2013 at approaching joy
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