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Paige is now following GreenGate
Jan 23, 2012
Dear Anna Rose - Thanks for sharing your song. Isabel and I really liked it. We are praying for you today and your family, too.
Guest Blogger - AR
Anna's Song Last Wednesday at my school my Bible teacher Mr. Pruitt talked about Anna in the Bible and how she eagerly anticipated her entire life the fullfillment of God's promise that she should see the Messiah before she died. He talked about how she was from the tribe of Asher. A tribe t...
Hi Tina- That was very well said! Isabel and I are reading your blog for school today. We were reading about Amy Carmichael earlier this week. It really struck me how true your thoughts are...that perhaps we waste a lot of time worrying about our image, when loving God and letting him work through us is what will really matter. I will say that Isabel was a bit insulted by your suggestion that a braided bun is not cool. She said, "Hey, I wear my hair like that."
I am compelled to write. I find this huge disconnect between the people who made a great impact on me/John as Christians and the current heroes available to my children. When I think about Corrie Ten Boom, Amy Carmichael, David Wilkerson, Faith Gehmann Adams, Thomas a Kempis, or my grandparent...
Paige is now following GreenGate
Jan 13, 2011
Paige added a favorite at GreenGate
Jan 13, 2011
Paige added a favorite at GreenGate
Jan 13, 2011
Isabel & Luke say, "Hi Anna Rose. We like your blog. It's interesting to hear about your life in Haiti."
Guest Blogger: AR
Hello all, This is Anna Rose and I am the guest blogger today on my mothers blog. I am one of three white kids in my class and one of about 15 white kids in my entire school. When I arrived at my school I was confronted with the fact that since I am white I am instantly going to be looked at dif...
Paige is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 17, 2010
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