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Spot on assessment, John. I and many other Left-leaning folks I know have arrived at the same conclusions.
My take is that those of us who identify with Progressive causes are naturally Big Picture thinkers. It's hard to focus on one or a few issues when you see everything interconnected.
I've been heartened by the efforts of Americans Elect to mount a third option for 2012 that represents those of us who aren't loyal to either Republican or Democratic camps. We'll see.
Too Many Causes; Too Little Bandwidth: The Challenge of the Progressives
Last week I was reminded as to why some political ideologies gather more traction than others, when they seemingly have less support amongst the population. This has puzzled me for many years. Allow me to admit that I am a fiscal conservative, more liberal when it comes to providing a safety...
Pamdodd is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 3, 2011
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