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Pam Dubey
Norwich University
I am an upcoming Junior in the Corps of Cadets
Recent Activity
Please check out my latest blog where i have addressed your questions. Thanks for the interest!
I'd love your input
Norwich Blogger Community, I would like to reach out to people for an idea on a blog. Is there a certain part of Norwich you would like me to write about? Any experience I have as being cadre, being on a sports team, being a math major that interests you? Any campus pictures you would like to se...
Norwich is a one of a kind experience and my blogs do not do it justice. I am currently participating in Marine Corps ROTC but seeking a commission with the Army Department (there are more contracts available with the Army). These last 2 and a half years have been by far, the best of my life. Being in the Corps, you gain a bond with your rook buddies (people in your platoon freshman year) that lasts forever. And now being cadre (person in charge of the rooks) i am getting a whole new appreciation for the Corps. Norwich has so much to offer and challenges you everyday. What branch are you interested in? Also, what major interests you? Do you plan to play and sports or participate in clubs? If you'd like, my email is [email protected] i check this more than this blog. Hope this helps! Have a good holiday!
Finals Week
Although finals week is here and there doesn't seem to be much to look forward to, however this is not the case. What keeps me going in these final days are the Holiday Dinner tomorrow night. Where we spend time with our current platoon and then reconnect with our original platoons. There are l...
Pam Dubey is now following Account Deleted
Jul 10, 2012
Sam, I just recommend coming in decent physical shape and most importantly, with a strong mental attitude. And don't stress too much about it :) Have a great summer!
Introduction/Summer time @ NU
Welcome to my blog! First off, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Pam Dubey and I am an upcoming Junior in the Corps of Cadets. I am a Math and Education Major. I play on the softball team and am apart of the field hockey club, the education club, the math club, and habitat for humanit...
Introduction/Summer time @ NU
Welcome to my blog! First off, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Pam Dubey and I am an upcoming Junior in the Corps of Cadets. I am a Math and Education Major. I play on the softball team and am apart of the field hockey club, the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2012 at Pam Dubey's blog
Pam Dubey is now following The Typepad Team
May 22, 2012
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