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the land of enchantment
Wife, Nurse, Mommy to my beautiful dream.
Recent Activity
Thank goodness there is someone else who appreciates 40 with me! I am so glad you joined us at AAM, you add so much!!
BlogHop! Happy Birthday AAM!!!!
Namaste everyone! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO IT'S ALL ABOUT ME CHALLENGE BLOG!!!! Welcome to the blog hop! Hope you are having a great time, finding inspiration and putting together the secret phrase. I wanted to share with you all one of my favorite birthday memories which just happened last year......
panchita is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Great take on the challenge!! It's so good to have you on the team. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your fabulous work at AAM!
All About Me Challenge-My Personality
There's a new challenge up at All About Me! It to focus on your personality type. I used one of the many personality scales to figure out mine! I love and hate to do these scales...sometimes, it's right on, and others, not so much! But I guess is just boils down to what I believe of me! Thanks f...
What a fun layout! It's great to see your work over at STM!
You Make Me Smile
I put this together yesterday for Scrapping the Music's challenge based on Uncle Kracker's Smile. Great song, fun layout!
This is perfect, Moon. Love the journaling. I'm one of those nonperfect mothers, too... glad to see more of my kind out there!
i'm not proud but i am honest.
At least I try to be. Even if some of the things I've done are embarassing and just plain wrong. Mostly in the field of motherhood, which brings me to today's layout: If you must see the journaling, here it is: I did this layout last year and something has changed since then. I do voluntee...
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