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forgot to mention another mobile-type piece i've recently finished... you can see it in person at redtree gallery until feb. 5, 2011... "collective action" jessica wolf jan. 2010 Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2011 at paper acorn
just finished working on a big paper sculpture which is destined to be installed in one of cincinnati's hippest new hair salon, high five salon, in o'bryonville. pretty excited to see it in this space! it will be hanging from the ceiling in the middle of this big, open space with plenty of natural light. before i started working on this, i had plenty of inspiration from the art world... and of course from etsy... top row: theshophouse Longarms serendipiteedesign royalbuffet bottom row: LilSproutCreations kismetsunday LorenzKraft lilimandrill Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2011 at paper acorn
it's true. take any boring, everyday object, tie a bit of candy-striped cotton string around it, and it makes me squeal. add some kraft paper and perhaps a few miniature wooden clothespins and you've made my packaging day. baker's twine, y'all! i can't believe how fast this year has gone by, and now we've got the holiday season sneaking right up on us! and what christmas decoration or bit of wrapping isn't complete without the festive flair of baker's twine? red and white striped like the north pole, green and white stripes like spearmint candy, brown and white swirls like... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2010 at paper acorn
so i've been working on party plans for our halloween shindig for weeks now. but since we're going hollywood this year, i haven't been working with the usual halloweeny decor. i've been inspired lately by all the pretty pumpkins i've seen floating around the interwebs and i think that most of these designs could easily carry beyond all hallow's eve and would be lovely gracing the table at thanksgiving. and, yes... i suppose i must include a shameless plug for paper acorn... these little guys are my newest design, and i'm pretty excited about them! imagine them filled with candy... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2010 at paper acorn
you know those really good mail days... when instead of a stack of bills or the latest political smear campaign flyer, more valuable and interesting items show up in your post box? i had one of those the other day. along with our queued netflix dvd (young frankenstein), there arrived the newest martha stewart mag, my brother's wedding invite and a mystery package! inside the package was an honor i had nearly forgotten about... not one, but 2 cds by solarno! a delightful gift in their own right, but featured on the cover art and printed on the disc itself... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2010 at paper acorn
the mr. and i host a halloween costume party every year and this year's no exception. this time the theme is vintage hollywood! charlotteburkhart CraftieRobot CrossEyedCatGifts divinagioielli DogDayAfternoons geelizzie insertephemera ScholarlyArticles StarForeman thecraftpantry thefactory101 TheFancyLamb undoneclothing Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at paper acorn
so i may be a little biased... i'm particularly partial to the little guys. what a miracle that one tiny nut can grow into the mightiest trees on earth. this miniature object can be held in the palm of your hand one day, and years later can create a magnificent stretch of shade. the acorn. such a beautiful color change from bright green to a lush brown as they grow over the season. and everyone loves the acorn's cute little hat, right? what personality! what beautiful symbolism! ok... before i get too carried away with waxing poetic about squirrel food,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2010 at paper acorn
soooo.... it's been a while. hi. how you been? apologies to my readers (all both of you) for falling out of touch. who would have thought that summer orders for custom wedding luminaries would have turned into such an endeavor? anyway... i was just perusing my esty favorites and thought that many of them were too good to not share. so here youse go, no theme, no rhyme or reason... just good stuff: Behappynow2 CurlyGirlCrafts iamkathrynedwards kattybarac nerdnook paperandstitches PeachandPearl tashamck TobikoKitty treasureagain Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2010 at paper acorn
heads up to my local cincinnati friends! there are a couple of awesome shows coming up this fall. apply today for the autumn air art fair: and keep an eye out for applications to be open soon for the crafty supermarket: Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2010 at paper acorn
the etsy love is ever-flowing... give some and get some! take a peek at this awesome blog and see how you can be the lucky winner of a paper acorn original... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2010 at paper acorn
happy anniversary to us <3 Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2010 at paper acorn
ah, yes. the long weekend. what to do? how's about some time with mom, shopping, coffee, wine, pizza, movies, shopping, makin' stuff, magazines... a fine weekend indeed! the highlight: martha stewart! yes, yes y'all. the issue i've been waiting for came out on friday! it's been exciting to see the results and get a nice handful of inquiries about custom work. good times ahead, methinks. :0) and today... very low-key. took a little trip to ikea this morning for a new office chair and couldn't pass up the free breakfast. what's that? free?! you heard me. got my purchase home... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2010 at paper acorn
good morning! it's going to be another hot and sunny day here in the queen city. i've got my windows open and the fans blowing. it's been a lovely morning to sit here in front of my machine and endlessly click on the pounce button... but my time has not been spent without yielding some rewarding new discoveries! i'd like to share a few that i've found... here are some etsy sellers who are awaiting their first sale (and judging by their unique items and lovely photographs, it shouldn't be long!) littleteawagon summer is the perfect time to pack up... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2010 at paper acorn
it's thursday and that means date night at the wolf house. the mr. and i are kinda homebodies, so date night usually looks something like this... Skulltshirtcomix Cupcaketree Persimmonsgal EastMesaDesign Bugbitesplayfood BettyTurbo Mimibuggy Jessgonacha Shayaaron InvisibleFountain Teaforbini Clee182 walldecors eylan onlyembry Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2010 at paper acorn
ok, etsy lovers. time to 'fess up. how much time have you spent on the pounce feature in one sitting? i must admit that i have withered away hours of my life clicking and re-clicking the "pounce again!" button. the time spent may be precious, but oh! the hidden treasures i've found while clicking around in the "undiscovered" category! take a gander at these wonderful pieces, all by newish etsians. and show some love; give some hearts, send a nice, complimenting convo (no spam), and even make a purchase or two! (when these fab artists get all big and famous,... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2010 at paper acorn
PaperAcorn is now following Beatupcreations
May 6, 2010
just because giraffes are a little bit cute and a little bit weird... this collection of etsy goods featuring long-necked creatures don't necessarily belong in the nursery decor. 1. come with me by mitsingenChicago 2. giraffe print by berkleyillustration 3. giraffe pillow by katedurkin 4. giraffidae the famous sax player by beatupcreations 5. air show by graphitegirl 6. organic cotton block printed giraffe towel by ohlittlerabbit 7. news giraffe necklace by esmedodsworthdesigns 8. giraffe in a box by saratpeintre 9. wall perching by appledale 10. giraffes 2 by wildthingsart 11. giraffe necklace by pianobenchdesigns 12. giraffe by shutterup Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2010 at paper acorn
if you're a marathon runner, or just a cincinnati resident, then you probably know about the annual flying pig marathon. hundreds of crazy people get up early on a sunday morning and pump their legs for an agonizing 26.2 miles around the great queen city. i'm not a runner myself, nor do i have any ounce of desire to become one, but i've met a few. i've seen them around. runners. marathoners. crazies. a few years ago, i did the flying pig. well, i did half of the pig... ah-hem. i... uh... walked half of the flying pig. but i... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2010 at paper acorn
hello friends in my little bloggy world! i know there are plenty of big-hearted folks out there who would joyfully pay forward their own blessings. might i impose upon you a suggestion? have a look at this blog, where designer/mother lynn russell of satsuma press is raising funds to remodel an accessible bathroom for her son, liam. get all the details and see liam's sweet face here. Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2010 at paper acorn
when was the last time you wrote a letter? i mean an actual pen(cil) on paper, sent in an envelope with a stamp and the whole thing? to whom would you write a letter today? take a moment. send some love. <3 Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at paper acorn
it's been a week since my last craft show, and i've been so busy preparing for the next one that i haven't taken the time to write about bloomington! we made a weekend trip of it; me, the mr. and my folks. drove into town by way of nashville, indiana on friday night and had some delicious greek dinner at the trojan horse. crashed our hotel rooms with full bellies, and the mr. and i watch some lord of the rings on the free cable while i put together a few last-minute items. ready to rock the next morning, we... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2010 at paper acorn
well i don't know about you, but this time of year gets me all excited about the little goodies growing in my back yard! green beans, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes and carrots... some of the best things in the world come from the tiniest seeds. so in the spirit of localvores, i share this colorful collection of etsy finds. sew a seed, and harvest the benefits! Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at paper acorn
just a little peek... putting the pieces together for some custom butterfly placecards... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at paper acorn
april craft shows are just around the corner and i'm getting excited! took a trip to goodwill yesterday and purchased this sweet little find: this avon recipe box will be perfect for displaying my glassine envelopes of gifts tags... also heard from a customer yesterday who was so happy with their mustache garland purchase and shared some fun pics of her friends trying on a few different looks: haha! love it. this inspired the production of a new product, a fun and simple addition to the craft show spread... mustache on a stick! so i've been makin' stuff, prepping promo... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2010 at paper acorn
a grey, rainy day... and it's not so bad. a good sleeping-in saturday and quiet all around. the trees are dripping. the traffic is slow. the cats are sleeping in the windows. the coffee is brewing. Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2010 at paper acorn