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John Morgan
Interests: I'm a Penn State alumnus, baseball fan and used to garden back when I had a life other than politics. I got into blogging while working as Interim Campaign Coordinator for Chuck Pennacchio's U.S. Senate campaign. While not a native Pennsylvanian my PA roots run deep. I left the Commonwealth for 18 years while working down south (Delaware). I'm a Democratic Committee man in Berks County but am also involved in politics all around southeastern Pennsylvania. If you have a tip or want to share something without putting it on the public blog feel free to contact me through the email link on the blog. I'm always looking for intelligent writers to contribute to the blog. If you're interested please contact me. If you'd like to advertise on The Pennsylvania Progressive please contact me by email. We need revenues to keep the site a full time effort. You may also contribute by using the tip jar. Thanks for all contributions, they are deeply appreciated.
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I only found your blog recently but have greatly enjoyed your articles, videos and pictures. I don't hike but I kayak all the time and love the outdoors. Please keep sharing your adventures with those of us who haven't been to all these great places.
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2010 on Big Milestone for ScenicBoys!!! at ScenicBoys
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Mar 15, 2010